
Showing posts from February, 2022

life lesson by mufti menk -153

  life lesson by mufti menk 1. Be careful what you share on social media. Even among our family members, there may be people who hide ill feelings towards our achievements & lifestyles behind their smiles. The sad part is that most of the time, people envy what we know isn’t completely real. 2. Make kindness your priority. Kind people use positivity to create more light. That’s because they’ve seen what negativity can do. They make time for others in a world that doesn’t wait for anyone. It takes strength to shake off all the bad and move forward. 3. Almighty. Keep our hearts soft and protect them from hardening. Shower us with Your Mercy. When we commit a sin, allow us to feel the guilt that comes with it. Don’t make us among those who sin and yet aren’t remorseful. Aameen. 4. Protect yourself as best you can because the evil eye is real. Take precautions. For many, this will be hard because we live in such a self-serving society. We want to show off. There’s a need within ma...

life lesson by mufti menk-152

  life lesson by mufti menk 1. The pain you’ve experienced & endured should make you a kinder, softer person and a more compassionate one. You shouldn’t become hard and bitter as a result. 2. Most of us get defensive when we're criticized. Don't. Listen instead. Take in the message and see if it’s constructive. Assess the situation and what you need to do. If the comments are valid, work on them. If not, just move on. 3. Some people think that they need to turn their lives around before they can start praying and getting closer to the Almighty. This is a trick of Satan. Don’t fall for it. No matter what’s going on in your life, pray! He’s waiting for you. 4. True friends are those who are willing to show up during all of your seasons - the good and bad, happy and sad, celebration and grief. The problem today is we have too many fair-weather friends. 5. Don’t waste time in group chats and online chatter. Many spend hours each day on such frivolous activity and some even do i...

life lesson by mufti menk-151

  life lesson by mufti menk 1. Whenever you're tempted to expose someone's fault, stop and think. Imagine taking just one fault of yours and telling the whole world about it! Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you. 2. You have to get back up, no matter what knocks you down each time. Giving up is not an option. Endure, press on and never look back. Great blessings come with great perseverance. 3. Never give up on the Almighty. Bear good patience during your trials. He will answer your prayers, grant you breakthroughs, reward your persistence. Remember, the tears will cease, the wait will be over soon. Keep your faith firm as you wait. 4. Respect other people’s time. We often have a very selfish attitude towards time in that we expect everyone to adjust their schedules around us but we won’t let anyone mess our day. Stop being self-centered and inflexible. Remember, what you give out, you will get back. 5. Let go of your past. Don’t let it get to you. You’ve repented...