life lesson by mufti menk -153
life lesson by mufti menk 1. Be careful what you share on social media. Even among our family members, there may be people who hide ill feelings towards our achievements & lifestyles behind their smiles. The sad part is that most of the time, people envy what we know isn’t completely real. 2. Make kindness your priority. Kind people use positivity to create more light. That’s because they’ve seen what negativity can do. They make time for others in a world that doesn’t wait for anyone. It takes strength to shake off all the bad and move forward. 3. Almighty. Keep our hearts soft and protect them from hardening. Shower us with Your Mercy. When we commit a sin, allow us to feel the guilt that comes with it. Don’t make us among those who sin and yet aren’t remorseful. Aameen. 4. Protect yourself as best you can because the evil eye is real. Take precautions. For many, this will be hard because we live in such a self-serving society. We want to show off. There’s a need within ma...