life lesson by mufti menk-152


life lesson by mufti menk

1.The pain you’ve experienced & endured should make you a kinder, softer person and a more compassionate one. You shouldn’t become hard and bitter as a result.

2.Most of us get defensive when we're criticized. Don't. Listen instead. Take in the message and see if it’s constructive. Assess the situation and what you need to do. If the comments are valid, work on them. If not, just move on.

3.Some people think that they need to turn their lives around before they can start praying and getting closer to the Almighty. This is a trick of Satan. Don’t fall for it. No matter what’s going on in your life, pray! He’s waiting for you.

4.True friends are those who are willing to show up during all of your seasons - the good and bad, happy and sad, celebration and grief. The problem today is we have too many fair-weather friends.

5.Don’t waste time in group chats and online chatter. Many spend hours each day on such frivolous activity and some even do it at the expense of the link with their Creator. Instead, get busy building a connection with the Almighty. Serve humanity. Life's way too short to waste.

6.Almighty. We ask You for inner peace and contentment with whatever You have decreed for us. Let us go through it, bearing full patience, knowing You’re in control. Guide us to the best of manners, repel what’s bad from us, forgive all our sins and purify our hearts. Aameen.

7.Do your best when faced with a challenge. Bear patience and give your utmost. When you think you’ve exhausted your resources and capabilities, that's when the help of the Almighty is closest. Wait for ease to unfold.

8.Such is life. The only way some will talk about you is when they hear of bad news about you. They overlook the good you’ve done and become trigger-happy spreading whatever they hear without verifying anything. Let them do what they will. The Almighty knows.

9.A heart does not turn cold unless it has been treated badly for a long while. So cherish all those with good hearts in your life. Don’t delay. Show them the gratitude they deserve.

10.Beware the online world. When you let yourself go, you run into the danger of slipping too far into it and losing a sense of real life, real self and real priorities. It can distract people so much from reality that they may forget who they really are. It’s happening now.

11.You often hear people ask what if things don’t work out? What they mean is, if things don’t happen the way they planned it. They forget that the Almighty is the best planner. He will make things happen in the best possible way for us. Better than what we wanted. Trust Him.

12.Never beg anyone for anything. Instead, always ask the Almighty. If He wills, He will grant it to you. Remember, nothing is impossible for the Lord of the Worlds.

13.Kindness is contagious. Give your kindness away without expecting anything in return. The person you’re being kind to benefits through your help & you'll feel good for having helped someone. The world is made better through your kindness. We need this badly today.

14.When the Almighty tests you, instead of placing your hopes in other humans who are equally weak, place your trust in the Lord of the Worlds. Place your utmost hopes in Him and watch how He will help you through unimaginable circumstances.

15.Charity begins at home. It’s no point being nice to outsiders when your family becomes your enemy at home. You curse, swear, nitpick over the smallest thing and never have a good word for them. You play mind games. Be careful. The Almighty is aware of all that you do.


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