life lesson by mufti menk -155


life lesson by mufti menk 

1.Trust the Almighty and trust His process. Remember, when He tests you, He’s testing your level of perseverance. How much will you endure? Will you trust Him even when the answer is “wait”?

2.Your calm life can turn topsy turvy overnight; shaking you to the core. This curve ball can throw you off and disrupt your life completely. But if you lay your trust in the Almighty, you'll get over the worry and sadness.

3.Everything good is worth striving for. If it were handed to you on a silver platter, it would be too easy; it would lose its worth. This is what Paradise is about. Reflect.

4.We all sin. Don’t despair. Keep repenting and asking for His forgiveness. Don't let droplets of sins become oceans of regret. Be sincere and ask Him wholeheartedly.

5.Always choose worship over worry. Make it a habit that in all matters, go to the Almighty first, not last.

6.With all the hustle and bustle going on around you, don’t neglect rest. Rest is self-care. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s crucial to your well-being so you can come back stronger. Don’t ignore it. Rest up.

7.There’s beauty in privacy. Read that again. Resist the temptation to publicize your life on social media. Everything isn’t meant to be on display. Keep things away from the public eye which can easily turn into the evil eye. People can't destroy what they don't know.

8.Almighty. Help us to remain focused despite the hardship we’re facing. Guide us so we won’t get lost during difficult times. Help us to stand in firm faith believing that our prayers will be answered in Your time. Grant us Your favour and protection from all harm. Aameen.

9.Face your trials head on. No matter what you’re going through, keep your heart firm in faith. You can't escape what's meant for you. Seek the Almighty’s help. Patience and prayer will see you through.

10.Exercise restraint and don’t judge others, not even silently. We don't know their battles. Look instead at hearts and not faces. See how life becomes clearer that way.

11.Think before you respond. Beware knee-jerk reactions where you react to something without thinking of the possible outcome. It often leads to regret. Don’t fall into this trap.

12.Some ask how can patience be beautiful? It's tiring, painful, saps your energy, you wait and wait and it drains you. But it's beautiful simply because you trust the Almighty fully. You may not understand His Plan but you know it will lead to a good end.

13.Don’t feel discouraged. It's natural for us to stumble, lose hope and get impatient during trials. It can happen to anyone. But if we remember that the Almighty is in full control, we will slowly but surely see the hidden blessings behind the trials.

15.Don't waste time being angry about your problems. Remember, life is a series of tests. Instead, use that energy to find solutions. Pray for His guidance. He'll find a way out for you.

16.When you see someone doing wrong, it doesn't necessarily make him a bad person. Everyone struggles with challenges sent their way. Don't judge. Encourage.

17.Whenever you feel sorry for yourself, know that there are people in worse conditions. Be grateful for what you have. Remember, the Almighty can take it all away. Everything is under His control.

18.When we say someone has changed, we really mean their mask has fallen off. We see the real person behind it; the true colors revealed.

19.Beauty is not what you think it is. It certainly isn't what people see when they look at you. It's when they find out what lies beneath. Work hard at being beautiful on the inside.

20.Almighty. Grant us strength to purify our hearts from spiritual diseases like greed, malice, envy, arrogance, hatred etc. Help us to repent sincerely each time we sin. Draw us closer to You and keep our hearts light and pristine. Aameen.


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