life lesson by mufti menk -156


life lesson by mufti menk 

1.When a trial hits you, the Almighty is testing your belief in His Wisdom. Be patient. Life is indeed a series of tests. Remember that no matter how bitter the beginning and the journey, the ending will be sweet.

2.When the heart is filled with arrogance, you become blind. You think you're always right. Everyone else is wrong. Purify that heart.

3.Don't think the Almighty doesn't know you're struggling to remain on the straight path. He sees your effort. He rewards your effort. He is with you every step of the way.

4.Give up petty arguments and pointless disputes. They're a waste of time and frowned upon by the Almighty. It's better to remain silent and preserve your peace. Honestly, none of this will matter when you're lying in your grave.

5.Whenever you're tempted to expose someone's fault, stop and think. Imagine taking just one fault of yours and telling the whole world about it! Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you.

6.You have to get back up, no matter what knocks you down each time. Giving up is not an option. Endure, press on and never look back. Great blessings come with great perseverance.

7.Never give up on the Almighty. Bear good patience during your trials. He will answer your prayers, grant you breakthroughs, reward your persistence. Remember, the tears will cease, the wait will be over soon. Keep your faith firm as you wait.

8.Respect other people’s time. We often have a very selfish attitude towards time in that we expect everyone to adjust their schedules around us but we won’t let anyone mess our day. Stop being self-centered and inflexible. Remember, what you give out, you will get back.

9.Let go of your past. Don’t let it get to you. You’ve repented and moved on. The Almighty has forgiven you. Be kind to yourself. Focus on what’s happening right now. Do good deeds, get closer to Him and work hard to strengthen your faith.

10.Keep praying. Pray for those who love you. Pray for those who hate you. Pray for those who try to harm you. Why? Because prayer is the most precious gift you can give someone and a good prayer may soften their heart and lead them to be guided. Imagine the rewards that await you.

11.Almighty. We sincerely ask You to make us better people today than we were yesterday. Help us win the fight between desire and discipline so we may get closer to You. Help us let go of negative people so we may become more positive and grateful with good character and conduct.

12.You think you’re experiencing one of your worst days. Remember, your worst days could be the beginning of your transition to better days. Life has a way of preparing us for exactly what we need. Keep hope alive.

13.Be mindful of the people you hurt. Remember, they can pray and the Almighty acts on their behalf..... swiftly at times. That thought alone should deter you from hurting people. Be kind always.

14.Don’t be mean. Don’t stereotype people and label someone as huge, fat, oversized, obese, thin, scrawny etc. The Almighty made us all special in our own way. Each one has his own unique qualities. So stop having set ideas about people and look at them as individuals.

15.Don’t be discouraged by what you see. It may be a huge obstacle in front of you but don’t forget that the greater the trial, the bigger the reward. The Almighty won’t test you beyond your capabilities. Stay firm and your faith will emerge stronger than before.

16.Even in your darkest moments, remember, nights don’t last forever. Morning will come. Keep believing. Keep trusting. The Almighty is your Eternal Refuge, not just in troubled times but for all time.

17.Some take care of their bodies so faithfully but neglect their souls, forgetting that they could die today or tomorrow. Don’t fall into this trap.

18.Disappointment is not a bad thing. When something we dislike happens, we think it’s a mistake. We get upset. We forget that the Almighty is in control. He sees things we don’t. The bigger picture will emerge soon and we will thank Him for His Infinite Wisdom.

19.Whatever it is you’re stressing about, hand it over to the Almighty. And don’t try to control the timing because you will end up frustrated. He has His own schedule. Your job is to trust him.

20.The pain you’ve experienced & endured should make you a kinder, softer person and a more compassionate one. You shouldn’t become hard and bitter as a result.


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