life lesson by mufti menk-157


life lesson by mufti menk 

1.Give people time and space to do what they need to do. Stop micro-managing. You can advise and suggest but you can’t force anyone. You can pray for them to be guided and leave the rest to the Almighy. He’s the Owner of Guidance. He guides whom He wills.

2.Don’t be too quick to react to things. Always weigh the consequences before putting words into action. Remember, as humans we respond to what we think is happening not what is actually happening. So everything depends on our interpretation.

3.Be kind. Be forgiving. Be happy not just for yourself but for others as well. Be grateful for the many bounties the Almighty has sent your way. Embrace whatever trials He sends you. There are lessons and blessings in all of them if you keep an open mind.

4.Make sure you’re in the company of those who touch your heart and nourish your soul. There aren’t too many of such people around. So choose your company wisely.

5.You may be in utter despair, broken, confused, lost and whatever else you’re feeling, but never abandon the Almighty. He has a way of turning things around in the blink of an eye. Get close to Him and above all, trust Him.

6.One of the hardest things to do is to hide your pain under a smile. You do it when you care about others more than you do for yourself. But remember, a smile can hide so much.. fear, pain, sadness, tears. But they reflect one main thing. Strength.

7.If you’re not devoting your time to the Almighty on a daily basis, you’re less likely to be able to handle the stress when things go wrong. You’ll be turning to Him in a knee-jerk reaction, expecting Him to fix everything. Is that fair?

8.Are you guilty of replaying failed scenarios in your mind? Do you overthink and constantly feed your self-doubt? If you do, you need to quit and steer your mind back on track. It’s not easy. Satan will always try to mess with your mind. Seek the Almighty’s help. Keep your focus.

9.Don’t be afraid to reboot your life many times over & start afresh. But if the program doesn’t involve the Almighty, you’ll be back to square one in no time, with no progress being made. Never leave Him out of your equation if you want success, both in this world & the next.

10.Almighty. Protect us from knowledge that’s not beneficial, from a heart that doesn’t fear, from a soul that’s never satisfied and from a prayer that’s not answered. Help us keep our focus in life and do what pleases You. Aameen.

12.Learn to let go of things that went wrong or didn’t work out. That’s life in a nutshell. Keep going. You’ll never win this race of life if you keep looking back. The mistakes you’ve made don’t define who you are today. Think positive that things will get better.

13.If you have a good heart, be grateful. Thank the Almighty. There’s a reason why He blessed you with it. You’ll be disappointed by those around you but take heart; He knows everything.

14.When your heart is bitter, you’re better off guarding your tongue. You don’t want to end up regretting what you said. It’s always wiser to remain silent.

15.If you bear beautiful patience, no matter what the Almighty tests you with, the reward is beyond your imagination. There are blessings for your endurance, for accepting the outcome, no matter what He has chosen for you and above all, reward for having faith.


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