life lesson by mufti menk-158

 life lesson by mufti menk

1.If you bear beautiful patience, no matter what the Almighty tests you with, the reward is beyond your imagination. There are blessings for your endurance, for accepting the outcome, no matter what He has chosen for you and above all, reward for having faith.

2.Our days are numbered. Think of death often. Think of the moment we’re alone in our graves with nothing but our deeds. It would be too late to wish if we had only done more.

3.Are you always trying to impress others? Be wary of those who seek worldly glory and accumulate wealth to show off. It is futile and there’s no benefit whatsoever. Instead, be thankful to the Almighty through humility, charity and prayer.

4.It should never be lip service when you call out to the Almighty. Call out sincerely; with confidence and firm conviction that your call will be answered. Above all, be patient and trust Him.

5.There’s no need to show off how pious you are. Keep your relationship with your Maker private. Nobody knows your struggle but Him. Nobody knows the temptations that come your way but Him. So keep striving. Keep going.

6.People have less time for each other as life gets more hectic & stressful. That’s the sad reality. But how often has the Almighty reminded us that He is near. Never think you’re alone. You’re not. Turn to Him for anything & everything.

7.People’s negativity towards you is often not about you. It’s usually their insecurities showing the ugly side. Take it in your stride. Learn to cast aside your anger and pray for them instead.

8.Choose faith over worry. It’s a choice you have to make. Do you worry when faced with challenges and life’s trials or do you trust the Almighty, knowing He will always set things right no matter what uncertainties loom head?

9.Many of the conflicts you’re experiencing would end if you stopped telling people so much about what’s going on in your life. Confide in the Almighty instead.

10.Almighty. Keep us focused in this journey of life. Starting the race wasn’t a problem; continuing is the challenge. We pray for endurance & resilience in the face of adversity. Grant us the best ending. Keep our hearts firmly attached to You, knowing You always have our backs.

11.We worry because we wonder if we will have what we need, when we need it. But remember that if we expect other people to meet our needs instead of the Almighty, we will end up frustrated and disappointed. He is the only One who can meet all our needs.

12.When you hit rock bottom and about to throw in the towel, understand that the Almighty wants you to know that everyone may have abandoned you, but the One who made you will always be there for you. Seek Him.

13.If you’re going through difficult times, don’t give up. Don’t ever forget all that the Almighty’s done for you, His Promises; the prayers He’s answered. Keep going with a heart full of faith.

14.When people show you who they are, believe them. There’s a reason why the Almighty allowed their mask to fall apart.

15.Always value your peace. Your peace is more important than trying to prove a point. Stop explaining yourself to people who have made up their minds on misunderstanding you.

16.Don’t stress over what’s happening because the Almighty has promised that what’s coming will be better. Bear beautiful patience.

17.Death can come anytime. It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy or wealthy, young or old. You’ll have to go when it’s time. And that’s decided by the Almighty. You can’t challenge or avoid it.

18.When you choose to get closer to the Almighty, you might become the target of brickbats and gossip. Never apologize for being a version of you that they’re not used to. If people cannot accept the NEW you, it’s not your problem but theirs.

19.When the Almighty blocks it, leave it be. If you’ve done your part and nothing is happening, move on. Period.

20.Don’t waste your time trying to please people. It’s never achievable. Remember, we always seem bad to those who hate us. Focus on pleasing the Almighty.


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