life lesson by mufti menk-159


life lesson by mufti menk

1.Never mind what you’re going through now. Bear it with beautiful patience. Why? Because one day, you will realize that it had to happen the way it did to give you the lessons you needed to grow. Remember, what doesn't break you only makes you stronger.

2.It’s easy to get discouraged and feel let down when things are rough. Everyone has disappointments, everyone has bad days but if you’re firm in faith and trust the Almighty fully, He will find a way out for you and you wouldn’t even remember whatever pain you had to endure.

3.The Almighty is the most Merciful. Even when our faith is weak or lacking, He continues to bless us. He continues to favour us, despite the odds. He will keep doing that for as long as He wishes. That’s the Almighty. You have to trust Him.

4.Be careful when you blurt out harsh words in harsh tones. The hurt might pierce deeper than you could ever imagine. You probably think a simple sorry can fix it. But think again. Words can leave scars. Some scars are more permanent than others.

5.If your first reaction to seeing an act of goodness is to try and find a fault in it, you should examine the state of your heart.

6.It’s easy to get discouraged and feel let down when things are rough. Everyone has disappointments, everyone has bad days but if you’re firm in faith and trust the Almighty fully, He will find a way out for you and you wouldn’t even remember whatever pain you had to endure.

7.Soften our hearts for #Ramadan. Renew our link with the Almighty & celebrate revelation of the greatest message from our Lord. For a blessed month that's bountiful with deeds, start repenting sincerely. Commit to change for the better & discard old habits.

8.This #Ramadan, make a firm commitment to use words to build people up. Stop using foul language, bad speech & don’t curse & swear. Words are powerful. They leave a lasting impact. So let nothing else but good come out of your mouth. The effects will resonate far and wide.

9.This is your real test: when things are not going your way not just when things are smooth sailing, not just when the Almighty’s meeting your needs. Do you trust Him when you can’t figure out what’s going on? Do you take it in your stride, bear patience & trust His Plan?

10.Almighty. The month we’ve been eagerly waiting for is almost here. Make us among those who fast sincerely for Your sake. May You accept our worship and nights in prayer which we do in full submission. Keep us away from heedlessness and forgive all our sins. Aameen. #Ramadan

11.It’s easy to be overwhelmed by all that’s going on & get distracted from your main goal. With #Ramadan almost here, keep reminding yourself of what’s important. Don’t spend time on futile activities that keep you away from worshipping the Almighty. Stay focused. Be consistent.

12.If you’ve made changes to your life, you might feel lonely when you’re on the path to the Almighty. Very lonely at times. But take heart. That’s His way of removing obstacles that may hinder you from reaching your destination.

13.The past is over. Today is a new day; you are not the same person you were yesterday. Believe that today will be better than yesterday. It’s about looking up with hope and looking forward. Look for new opportunities that the Almighty has planned for you.

14.Give people time and space to do what they need to do. Stop micro-managing. You can advise and suggest but you can’t force anyone. You can pray for them to be guided and leave the rest to the Almighy. He’s the Owner of Guidance. He guides whom He wills.

15.Don’t be too quick to react to things. Always weigh the consequences before putting words into action. Remember, as humans we respond to what we think is happening not what is actually happening. So everything depends on our interpretation.

16.Be kind. Be forgiving. Be happy not just for yourself but for others as well. Be grateful for the many bounties the Almighty has sent your way. Embrace whatever trials He sends you. There are lessons and blessings in all of them if you keep an open mind.

17.Make sure you’re in the company of those who touch your heart and nourish your soul. There aren’t too many of such people around. So choose your company wisely.

18.You may be in utter despair, broken, confused, lost and whatever else you’re feeling, but never abandon the Almighty. He has a way of turning things around in the blink of an eye. Get close to Him and above all, trust Him.

19.One of the hardest things to do is to hide your pain under a smile. You do it when you care about others more than you do for yourself. But remember, a smile can hide so much.. fear, pain, sadness, tears. But they reflect one main thing. Strength.

20.If you’re not devoting your time to the Almighty on a daily basis, you’re less likely to be able to handle the stress when things go wrong. You’ll be turning to Him in a knee-jerk reaction, expecting Him to fix everything. Is that fair?


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