life lesson by mufti menk-161


life lesson by mufti menk

1.When you give others a sincere compliment, words of encouragement or just a warm smile, you’re making their world a little better. You’re making them feel appreciated & valuable. You’ll feel more fulfilled because you have done something to make someone else’s life better.

2.Almighty. On this last Friday in #Ramadan, guide us towards doing good deeds for Your sake only. Give us the strength to be steadfast, enduring the trials You send our way. Grant us a soft heart, always content with Your Decree. Grant us sincerity, success & protect us from harm.

3.If the extra worship in this blessed month is having an impact on your life, it’s time to ponder & recalibrate your life. It’s time to get closer to the Almighty. Make a commitment to continue what you’ve been doing after this month is over. Put in extra effort & time for Him.

4.When you fail at something, it’s a test from the Almighty. It shouldn’t stop you. If you don’t succeed, try again. The biggest mistake is to give up. He’s watching to see how hard you’re trying, how badly you really want it. For every obstacle, there’s a solution! Keep at it.

5.When you’re always making assumptions about people, you damage your capacity to relate to them. You’re always assuming you know how they think & feel so you stop listening & communicating, leading to misunderstanding. Be mindful of this or it can spiral into negative thinking.

6.You’re not seeing results even though you may be doing all the right things. You keep asking the Almighty and you think it’s all come to a standstill. Don’t give up. Don’t cave in to such thoughts. Keep enduring, keep persevering. It’s always darkest before dawn.

7.Don’t feel overwhelmed or sad when you hear what others have been doing this #Ramadan. You may think you’ve underachieved but if you’re trying your best, that’s all the Almighty’s interested in. He knows your struggle. Keep going & don’t let up as we approach the final stretch.

8.If the extra worship in this blessed month is having an impact on your life, it’s time to ponder & recalibrate your life. It’s time to get closer to the Almighty. Make a commitment to continue what you’ve been doing after this month is over. Put in extra effort & time for Him.

9.When you fail at something, it’s a test from the Almighty. It shouldn’t stop you. If you don’t succeed, try again. The biggest mistake is to give up. He’s watching to see how hard you’re trying, how badly you really want it. For every obstacle, there’s a solution! Keep at it.

10.When you’re always making assumptions about people, you damage your capacity to relate to them. You’re always assuming you know how they think & feel so you stop listening & communicating, leading to misunderstanding. Be mindful of this or it can spiral into negative thinking.

11.You’re not seeing results even though you may be doing all the right things. You keep asking the Almighty and you think it’s all come to a standstill. Don’t give up. Don’t cave in to such thoughts. Keep enduring, keep persevering. It’s always darkest before dawn.

12.Don’t feel overwhelmed or sad when you hear what others have been doing this #Ramadan. You may think you’ve underachieved but if you’re trying your best, that’s all the Almighty’s interested in. He knows your struggle. Keep going & don’t let up as we approach the final stretch.

13.The Almighty is the Most Wise. Whatever we’re going through now, it’s crucial to remember He knows what’s best for us. Though we shy away from facing our worries & fear, it may be that we hate a thing that is good for us & desire something that can only lead to our destruction.

14.If you’ve managed to clean up your act so far in this blessed month, that’s really commendable. Make a commitment to never let anger, envy, hatred, malice, slander, gossip, backbiting, obscene talk, swear words and the likes from your mouth, come back into your life again.

15.Take stock of how you’re progressing this #Ramadan. It’s never too late. The most crucial thing is to finish strong. Keep going. The Almighty knows & sees all your efforts, no matter how small. He will reward you.


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