life lesson by mufti menk-163


1.When everything seems to be going wrong, that’s when you need to persevere even more. Remember with hardship, comes ease.

2.You know you’ll be tested regularly so how do you react to the challenges of life? Get angry, stressed out & sink into depression or respond with beautiful patience; knowing the Almighty will grant you victory when you put full faith in Him and do your best.

3.Remember, the Almighty doesn't make mistakes in His Plans. Every hardship you’ve experienced has served to make you the person that you are today. There are valuable lessons in everything that happens to you. Stop asking why it happened and focus on how you should respond.

4.Remember, the Almighty doesn't make mistakes in His Plans. Every hardship you’ve experienced has served to make you the person that you are today. There are valuable lessons in everything that happens to you. Stop asking why it happened and focus on how you should respond.

5.Almighty. Keep us steadfast in our prayers and worship done solely for You. Grant us humility and submission always, never showing off or feeling that we’re more pious than the person next to us. Protect us from being arrogant and to never judge others.

6.You can’t choose your family. The Almighty has done that for you. So learn to give and take as much as possible. Remind and guide when you can. Remain respectful and keep the peace. It’s not easy. But know that breaking the ties of kinship is a huge sin.

7.You’re going through problem after problem. You keep asking the Almighty. Nothing happens. You’re facing depression, sickness, financial issues, marital problems. Why is He taking so long to respond? He’s aware! You have to trust Him. His planning and timing is perfect.

8.Your faith will be tested again and again. It’s easy to believe when things are going your way, when the path is rosy. But the true test comes when the Almighty puts obstacles in your way. Do you become disobedient & defiant or do you submit to Him, be patient and ride it out?

9.It’s only human to feel frustrated and dejected when things aren’t going our way. We feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our backs. We may think the Almighty is not answering our prayers, but He is answering them; just not the way we want.

10.Hypocrites love to gossip, they love to know what everyone else is doing. They may even make up gossip if it’s not juicy enough. It can be hurtful and upsetting when you are the subject of the untruthful stories. Confront them peacefully and pray for them.

11.The real test of sincerity is to see if a person will help you even if he knows he will get nothing in return from you. The truth is anyone can help when there’s something to gain in return; but to help when there’s nothing to be gained shows true love & a beautiful heart.

12.Be prepared to have the most unexpected people let you down. It’s bound to happen at some stage. Amid all this, be yourself and spread goodness as much as possible but don’t expect goodness from everyone.

13.You're human. You don’t have to be strong all the time. You’re allowed to be overwhelmed, sad, cry, fall down and get back up again. The most important thing is not to lose your link with your Maker. He has a reason for everything. You’ll emerge much stronger.

14.Each time we're hurt, we tend to blame others. It's always someone else's fault. Don’t fall into that trap. Learn to be accountable. Take charge of your life and your own shortcomings. The Almighty knows the truth. Don't blame the innocent.

15.We’ve all felt like a failure at times. But don’t drown in that feeling. Remember, the battles you’ve won, the setbacks you’ve overcome, the trials you’ve gone through. The Almighty promised that nothing would last. Keep hope alive & carry on. He’s always watching over you.


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