life lesson by mufti menk-164

 1.Society may not tolerate second chances. It can be unforgiving when you make mistakes. But the Almighty is ever ready to give you a fresh start when you turn back to Him. Whatever you need He has for you: healing, forgiveness and peace. Seek Him for a new beginning.

2.Does your heart feel burdened? Do you feel like your life is crumbling? Bad days happen to everyone. Start counting your blessings. Remember that there are so many who would trade places with you. For the life you have. For everything He has blessed you with. Be grateful.

3.Losing someone you love is a huge test of faith. That’s the reality of life. How you pick yourself up and carry on shows how much you understand the Almighty’s plan. May He help us cope with our loss and reunite us with our loved ones in Paradise.

4.When you feel guilt in your heart after you’ve sinned, be grateful. It’s the Almighty’s way of telling you to repent and do good. He’s offering you a way out after you’ve gone against what He has prescribed. That’s His Mercy.

5.It takes a lot of courage to stand alone & be yourself. It takes a lot of courage to be different. It takes a lot of courage to not compromise your faith. Some will try to make you feel like a freak for not standing with the crowd. That’s ok. Listen to your heart.

6.Be wary of people who sap the positive energy right out of you, leaving you feeling frustrated, drained & unhappy. Shift your focus from trying to change other people & instead focus on making yourself feel better. Let such people take their negativity elsewhere.

7.Some people enjoy slandering others. They do this out of jealousy and envy. Let people judge you by your character. You can’t stop them. Be upright. Be strong. Surely the Almighty is aware of the evil they’re spreading.

8.No one is doomed for as long as you feel remorse after you’ve sinned. As long as you’re seeking forgiveness, the Almighty will forgive you. Satan will tease and taunt you that you’re not worthy of being forgiven. Ignore such thoughts. Never doubt His Mercy.

9.At all times, be fair and just. Even with your enemies and those you strongly dislike. Don't let your emotions, anger or hate get in the way, leading you to behave unfairly. A believer is always balanced and careful. Give others a chance.

10.Don’t dwell on critics and haters. Focus on your Creator and His plans for you and your life. Don’t worry about those trying to put you down. Your job is to respect others and not to hurt anyone. Do your best. He’ll do the rest.

11.Almighty. Help us to understand that life doesn't always go the way we want. You’re the only One who knows what’s best for us. You’re the only One who knows what the future holds. Help us to remain steadfast & face every test with utmost patience. Aameen.

12.Satan will try to trick you into believing that you won’t be happy until you get to where YOU think you should be. Learn to be happy with the here and now. Appreciate what’s in front of you to begin with.

13.How do we understand the Almighty’s Plan for us in this confusing journey called life? It boils down to our link with Him. If you’re trying to get close to Him, He will show you the way. Bit by bit, it will unfold and become clearer what He has in store for you. Build that link.

14.Good or bad, what we do in our lives will always come back to us eventually. So if we want goodness all round, stop making life difficult and creating obstacles for others.

15.One of the biggest flaws in humans is pretending to be blind to their own shortcomings but they’re the first to jump down someone's throat when others make a mistake. Learn to be more self-critical instead of always pointing fingers.


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