life lesson by mufti menk-165

 1.We have lost two members of our community in one day. May Allah Almighty grant them the highest ranks of Paradise and make it easy for their loved ones. Aameen

2.We all want happiness. So be grateful when blessed. Be patient when facing trials. Repent and seek forgiveness. Do these consistently. Watch your life change.

3.Whatever the Almighty has decreed for you, no one can stop. Whatever’s meant for you will be yours. There is no need to worry about it. It will come to you. Remain steadfast.

4.Being at peace is everything. It’s not just a feeling. It’s a way of life. It shows in everything that you do. It shows how close you are to the One who made you. It shows you’ve surrendered to the Almighty. You accept everything that He has decreed. It’s the most powerful thing.

5.Stay clear of the herd mentality. Why should you do it just because everyone else is doing it? There’s no need to fit in. Let society say you’re the odd one out. Remember, at the end of the day, it’s better to walk alone than with a crowd headed in the wrong direction.

6.Some people can be very difficult to deal with. They will hurt you with their words and actions. It’s easy to just be angry and shut them out of your lives. But at times you can’t. They may be family members. Remember, they are a test from the Almighty. Will you be patient?

7.We tend to complain too much. Our job is too difficult. Our parents are too demanding. Our children are too mischievous. Chronic complaining never makes anything better, it saps your energy & the energy of those around you. Look for the positives. You’ll be a much happier person.

8.Whenever a door closes in your life, the Almighty wants you to move on. Move forward. Don’t look back. He’s guiding your steps. You’ve got to trust Him. Change is never easy. The unknown can be unsettling. But He’s the Owner of your sustenance; so why worry?

9.Think well of others and see what it does to your heart. Each time you hear something bad about someone, don’t spread it, give him the benefit of the doubt. Put yourself in his position. Protect yourself from worrisome thoughts that disturb your mind. Keep the peace.

10.Almighty. Thank You for guiding us during an intense month of worship. Thank You for being there when we felt lost. Thank You for shining Your light when we felt afraid of the dark & for carrying us through when we thought we couldn't make it. Aameen.

11.Everything is the way it is for a reason. You’ve got to believe it. You’ve got to trust the Almighty’s plan for you. Whatever’s going on in your life, the journey continues. Nothing comes to a standstill. Have faith that it will all work out in the end.

12.The most important thing you can do when you’ve done something wrong is to have the courage to own up and admit your fault. Aplogise to the people you’ve wronged. Don’t look for excuses or scapegoats. A sincere apology shows you’re taking responsibility for your own action.

13.At some stage in your life, people will behave unjustly towards you. Don’t fret & get all upset. The truth will always out eventually. That should give you much comfort. Know that the Almighty is your best witness in all things. Keep your heart at peace no matter what’s going on.

14.Don’t curse the crisis you’re facing. Every hardship has a silver lining; a blessing in disguise. Be patient with yourself and let the situation unfold. Do your best and let the Almighty do the rest. You’ll emerge stronger and better able to face whatever He sends your way.

15.Prayer is not about you getting something from the Almighty as & when you want it. It’s more than that. The act of connecting with Him, building your relationship with Him, how you ask Him - all these play a part. Keep the communication going daily, not just when you’re in need.


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