life lesson by mufti menk-172


1.Don't feel ashamed when giving little for charity because there is always goodness in giving, no matter how small the act. The Almighty sees and knows. That’s what matters.

2.You might think the battle is too big for you. You’re overwhelmed by the cares & stresses of life but remember, it’s nothing to the Lord of the Worlds. Nothing is impossible for Him. Hand it over to Him & see how things unfold. He will take care of all that we cannot. Have faith.

3.The choices you make are yours. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone. But a lot of us feel this need to explain ourselves. Perhaps we want to be liked by everyone. Or to fit in. Whatever it is, stick to your decisions. If you think you’re wrong, correct them.

4.The truth is nobody will truly understand what you’re going through except the Almighty. He’s the only One who knows your true circumstances and is always available when you need Him. He will heal you and make you whole again.

5.Almighty. You’re the Turner of Hearts. You heal us in a moment. You forgive in an instant. You make the impossible a reality. May we always be ever grateful for everything You’ve bestowed on us. Aameen.

6.Your heart whispers many things daily. Not many of them end up in your prayers. But trust Him. He knows what you need and He won't disappoint.

7.Never tire of doing good, even small acts. We often hear people say that no one notices any of the good they do. But the Almighty does. He’s All-Knowing. So press on & do as much as you can. Good deeds are often magnified & the rewards multiplied.

8.Don’t waste the most blessed days. Ten days is not a long time so be sure to fill your days with as much good as possible. The Almighty gives us these periods of spiritual boosts throughout the year. So purify your intent, make a plan and you’re on the way to accomplish much.

9.Don’t wait to forgive someone till they apologise. You may end up waiting forever. Remember, it’s easy to hold a grudge and it’s easy to lay blame. But by doing so, you’re allowing others to have power over you. For the sake of closure and healing, you should forgive and move on.

10.Some people refuse to accept the fact that you’ve changed for the better. They keep harping on the “old” you. They refuse to see you in a new light. They can’t stop talking about your past mistakes and wrongs. Ignore such people. Time to move on.

11.As humans, you expect the Almighty to answer your prayers in the way you thought was good for you. But He’s All-Knowing and may not bring you what you thought, the way you thought, but what He has planned for you will be bigger & better. Something you wouldn’t have imagined.

12.Remember, people will only drive you crazy if you allow them. So don't let your anger spin out of control. If someone is irritating you, recognise those feelings and then let them go without saying much or getting into conflict. You don’t need to respond to everything.

13.The evil eye is real and should not be taken lightly. Most people are negligent in protecting themselves and do not worry about showing off their blessings; posting every detail of their life on social media. Know that not everyone who sees your story will be happy for you.

14.Be careful about giving your heart fully to someone other than the Almighty. Everyone can hurt you but only He can heal you. So be wise, have realistic expectations and protect your heart as best you can from those who are too quick to profess their love for you.

15.When something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, leave it, walk away from it. Trust your judgement, your intuition, your feeling. It’s the Almighty’s way of guiding you and steering you away from what’s not right. You don’t owe anyone any explanation. Just do it.

16.Almighty. We ask for strength as we feel weak and tired from the affairs of the world. Help us to carry on in the face of adversity and whatever trials You send our way. Grant us patience and help us go through it with full faith and confidence. Aameen.

17.One of the best and bravest decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of people who are bad for your spiritual health. Keep your heart and soul attached to the Almighty.

18.Stop overthinking. Stop feeding your mind negative thoughts and self doubt. Love yourself enough and remember, the Almighty only wants the best for you.

19.Patience is not easy. It’s not for the fainthearted. That’s why the rewards are so great. It can break you, wreck you, makes you want to scream and give up but you press on because you know what the Almighty loves. He is always with the patient.

20.Many people get upset when their work is not acknowledged. Don’t. The Almighty knows what you’ve done and how much effort and sacrifice went into it. Isn’t that the best acknowledgment one could ever wish for?


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