life lesson by mufti menk-174


1.Each day, we face a different challenge. Some challenges are easy to get by, some are more difficult than others. Almighty, grant us the strength to make it through each challenge. We know You have better things planned for us.

2.It’s natural to feel broken if you’ve been treated badly or been the subject of rumours etc. But remember, some things are not within your control. Turn every anxiety, fear and concern into a supplication. Look at it as another reason to submit to the Almighty. Trust Him.

3.Almighty. We ask You to hide our faults. Purify our souls. Strengthen our faith. Forgive our sins. Accept our good deeds. Above all, shower us with Your Mercy. Aameen.

4.It’s a fact that some people will hate you because you are exactly what they wished but failed to be. They won’t hesitate to spread rumours and gossip about you. This is a test from the Almighty. Don’t retaliate. Let the good you do speak for itself.

5.The company you keep says a lot about you. Friends have a big influence over how you feel, think & behave. Beware the ones who will mould you to become like them. Some will control you till you mimic their behaviour. If you’re weak-willed, chances are you’ll succumb & cave in.

6.There is a huge pull on you to conform to the ways of the world. You’ve got to stand strong and firm. Rise above that which is prohibited by the Almighty. Rise above the darkness. Don’t give in or compromise. The choice is yours.

7.Some people will tell you that they started with nothing and made it to the top through nothing but their own efforts. They exaggerate their challenges to make others feel that there’s no way they could do the same. Don’t be fooled. It’s the Almighty’s will every step of the way.

8.If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you, still respect them. If they’re mean to you, be kind to them. If they curse and swear in your presence, offer a good word to them. Don't allow their bad actions to affect your good manners. Rise above them.

9.It’s human nature to forget, overloooking the countless blessings the Almighty has bestowed on us. Yet, when the slightest things go wrong, we show ingratitude by grumbling, mumbling & complaining. Learn to feel complete gratitude in your heart. He’ll multiply your blessings.

10.At times, the Almighty holds us back temporarily because He knows things we don’t. We tend to get upset when we see a roadblock, not knowing that He’s protecting us. So be grateful for everything that happens in life.

11.Some people will be offended by your success and your rise in status in society. These are the ones who want to control, manipulate and keep you down. They’re unhappy when you do well. Don’t worry about them. They have no power over you. Seek your strength from the Almighty.

12.Thank the Almighty, no matter what the circumstances. It’s not just to do with wealth & good things. Thank Him for guiding you & keeping you steadfast. Thank Him for increase in knowledge, for the lessons you’ve learnt form hardship. Do this each day and He will grant you more.

13.Almighty. Help us to often think of the day when we’ll be returning to You. Take us only when You are totally pleased with us. In the mean time, give us a chance to further prepare whatever we need for that long-awaited meeting with You. Aameen.

14.The Almighty has worked it out for you. He has a specific purpose for your life and yours alone. You need to trust Him fully. Not half-heartedly. You will be tested and tried but if you bear patience, the end result will only bring you great success.

15.Don’t have sleepless nights over your enemies. The Almighty will take care of them and give them their due for causing all the hurt and trouble. Have faith things will work out fine and that you’ll emerge better than you were before.


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