life lesson by mufti menk-175


1.You think you have it tougher than others. Stand your ground. Hold on to your faith, your integrity. Don’t let anyone sidetrack you. The Almighty never promised you an easy journey. Tough times will reveal your true character. Seek His help. Be strong. Don’t quit.

2.Be careful who you seek advice from because not everyone who acts friendly is a friend. There are people out there who can mislead you, cause mischief and those who may not have the right intention. Ask the Almighty to place someone in your path whom you can trust.

3.At times we feel frustrated and confused because we don't understand everything the Almighty does. That's fine. All He wants is for you to trust Him. Wholeheartedly.

4.Don't try to win the approval of people. You'll never succeed. That's why pleasing people should never be your priority or goal. Please your Creator.

5.Learn to pray for others. Remember, the ripple effect from prayer is simply remarkable. When you pray for others, good things come to you. The Almighty helps those who are busy helping others. So don’t be stingy. Start doing it.

6.Do you know what being truly brave means? It’s hanging on to hope and trust in the Almighty that despite the hardship and storm you’re facing right now, your life would be beautiful again. Because He has promised us that nothing lasts; so lighten your heart.

7.Haters are just people with low self esteem. They don’t believe in themselves; so they try to put other people down in a sick way to lift themselves up! Don’t let their criticism and negativity distract you from your goals in life.

8.How worthy you are to others mostly depends on your words. Choose them wisely. Once spoken, you can’t undo them. Many people are careless with their words. They curse, swear, hurl vulgarities, use harsh words which hurt others in the process. Don’t live to regret what you uttered.

9.Almighty. Grant ease to those who’ve lost loved ones. The grief is real. Some days are harder than others. The hurt and struggle to carry on. But we know You’re in control. You’re the only One who can heal us and restore peace and tranquility in our hearts. Aameen.

10.Whatever pain you’re experiencing today will hold you in good stead tomorrow. The more you suffer today, the stronger you become. This life is not a rosy bed. Tomorrow's success is based on today's discomfort. Patience, a strong willpower & the right attitude will see you through.

11.When you fail at something, it’s a test from the Almighty. It need not stop you. If you don’t succeed, try again. The biggest mistake is to give up. He’s watching to see how hard you’re trying, how much you really want it. Remember, for every obstacle, there’s a solution.

12.When you supplicate to the Almighty, never for a moment think that He might be tired of listening to you. He loves it when you ask Him. He is never angry or fed up. He knows how much you need Him. He is ever ready to listen. Nothing is impossible for Him. So keep asking.

13.Remember, if the Almighty wants good for someone, He will create situations to draw him closer to his Maker. This can be in the form of poverty, heartbreak, repentance, desperate needfulness & whatever else through various means. Understand that & act accordingly.

14.It’s wrong to say things which hurt others. People do this for many different reasons. Some may feel powerful when they say words that hurt you. Some may be relieving their own internal pain by saying hurtful things. Whichever the case, it’s wrong. Stay away from it.

15.Some people just thrive being in the spotlight. They put on a show for everyone to see. They love being praised; it does wonders for their egos. They’ll create dramas just to be the centre of focus. Don’t get drawn into their circle.


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