life lesson by mufti menk-176


1.Don’t give up now. You’ve come this far. The difficult days will make way for happier days soon enough. Remember, nothing lasts. So when you see a day where you think you can’t possibly get out of bed to face the world, don’t worry or panic. Better and brighter days are ahead.

2.Don’t take this life for granted. Here today, gone tomorrow is real and many of us have seen it happen to our loved ones and close friends. We never know when our time will be up. So forgive, spread goodness and pray that the Almighty takes us when He is most pleased with us.

3.Let people say what they want about you because sooner or later your actions will speak for themselves. There is no need to overreact when someone puts you down. You can make sure that you don't let them upset you by simply sticking to what you do best.

4.Almighty. Give us the strength and courage to stay firm and hold on to our belief. Don’t make us among those who lose ourselves in a crowd just because we want to fit in. Make us worry less about what people think of us. Only You matter in the end. Aameen.

5.People ask why do bad things happen to good people while the good goes to the bad ones? If you dig deeper, you’ll realize that whatever happens in your life is according to the Almighty’s plan. It’ll always work out for you, be it in this world or the next. Be patient.

6.We often hear people cursing their fate, wondering why it’s always them who have to suffer. Why is the Almighty always testing me? Why is He rewarding those who sin with more wealth? The truth is each one of us is tested differently. He knows what He’s doing. Press on.

7.Don’t be foolish and expose every blessing of your life to everyone and think that they’ll be happy for you. Some will, but many won’t. The evil eye is real. Learn to keep things private and not to share too much with those who could possibly harm you.

8.No matter how sad or how low you feel, don’t opt for a temporary high by going against what the Almighty has prescribed. It won’t last and you’ll end up feeling worse. It will rob you of your peace and gain His Wrath.

9.Be the first to apologize for your mistakes. You’ll never learn anything or impress anyone by making excuses & shifting the blame. Treat everyone with dignity & respect. You may be successful, but that doesn’t make you better than anyone else.

10.Learn to listen with your heart. Focus on the positive, the good that’s happening, the blessings the Almighty has bestowed on you & soon you’ll be living a life of gratitude & praise. It will change your outlook forever.

11.Every stage of life you’re at, is preparing you for the next level. Be content with what is and what’s to come. The Almighty has planned it all. So even if you seem to be in a hopeless situation and feel vulnerable, remember it will come to pass and be okay in the end.

12.Don’t be consumed by materialism. The trouble is it's never enough. As a result, one can be easily controlled by those who are wealthy and have a lot to offer. Stop comparing yourself with others. Learn to be content and remember, material things will NOT make you content.

13.Remember there’s no problem that cannot be solved or resolved. Life throws us curveballs on occasion and more often than not, what we worry about is not even important in the long term. Always seek guidance and strength from the One who has the answer to all our problems.

14.Don’t curse a bad experience or tragedy that happened in your life. Remember, everything is designed by the Almighty so you can learn life lessons and move forward readily. The best thing you can do is to embrace it and put it to good use. He only wants the best for you.

15.Almighty. Make this blessed day a day of renewal of our faith in our heart & actions, a day of repentance & day to get closer to You. Forgive our sins, those which we commited knowingly & the ones we commited out of ignorance. May we never lose hope in Your Mercy. Aameen.


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