life lesson by mufti menk-177

1.When you feel guilt in your heart after you’ve sinned, be grateful. It’s the Almighty’s way of telling you to repent and do good. He’s offering you a way out after you’ve gone against what He has prescribed. That’s His Mercy.

2.Be wary of people who drain the positive energy right out of you, leaving you feeling frustrated, drained & unhappy. Shift your focus from trying to change other people & instead focus on making yourself feel better.

3.Pray even when it’s a struggle. Standing in prayer is not a last resort. It’s not what we do after we’ve read the self-help books, after we tried to get help from people or after we surfed the internet. Prayer is our lifeline to the One who made us.

4.It takes a lot of courage to stand alone & be yourself. It takes a lot of courage to be different. It takes a lot of courage to not compromise your faith. Some will try to make you feel like a freak for not standing with the crowd. That’s ok. Listen to your heart.

5.In a world that’s trying to make you hate, judge & not care about others, learn to be considerate & compassionate. Be the bigger person. Be tolerant. Be the one who will go out of your way to help someone. Be the one showing kindness not just in bad times but all the time.

6.Almighty. Grant us renewed strength for we can’t carry on alone. Our souls are tired, sapped by the worldly goings-on. Grant us the courage, wisdom and peace of mind to accept that which cannot be changed. We know You have a plan for us and it’s a beautiful one. Aameen. ‬

7.When your heart is hurting, you think you’ve reached the end of the road and you feel empty; be careful what you fill it with! Satan is an opportunist. He will unleash many evil thoughts; strive to block him out. Turn to the Almighty. Seek His help. Only He can heal you.

8.As humans, we always want the best ‘view’ when we’re in a beautiful place. That’s what we’ll have in Paradise. Sadly, many of us have become distracted by this temporary world & forgotten our purpose & goals for our Hereafter. Strive to get back on track.

9.Treat people with respect and always be kind. When we do that, we give them the space to grow and change. Don’t give up on others, especially family members and loved ones. Remember, the Almighty didn’t give up on you.

10.You have your struggle and I have mine. Don’t hurt others with your words. Speak kindly or remain silent. Be sensitive to people’s feelings especially during difficult periods where everyone is anxious and on edge. May the Almighty guide us always. Aameen

11.If you don't understand what’s going on in your life, don't get discouraged or frustrated. The Almighty knows what we don’t. He never promised that everything would make sense, but He did promise that you would be ok in the end. Just trust Him.

12.Satan does not want you to repent at all. But if he can’t do that, his next best plan is to delay your repentance. He tries to tell you that it will be easier later on. That’s a lie. The longer things go on, the harder it becomes to repent. Don’t wait. Do it today.

13.Remember that your struggles always lead to strength. Every difficulty in your life, whether big or small, will produce more strength, faith and perseverance in you. All the pain that you endured has a purpose. Don't give up. Keep moving.


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