life lesson by mufti menk-178


1.Protect your heart well. Don’t just hand it to anyone. The strength of your heart comes with the worship of the Almighty. Is your heart at ease when you’re alone? Do you always need to be in the company of others? Only when you remember Him often will your heart find peace.

2.You’ll be hurt, you’ll be in pain. You’ll fall. That’s part of life. But as long as you get hold of yourself and get back up again, you’ll be fine. Don’t waste time. Don’t dwell too long on your mistakes. Learn from them and keep going. Life goes on.

3.Almighty. We thank You for guiding us when we felt lost & didn't know where to go, for always being there when everyone abandoned us, for shining Your light when we felt afraid of the dark & for carrying us through when we thought we couldn't make it.

4.Your character is more important than your comfort. The Almighty is not going to give you more if you have not learned how to be content; how to count your blessings. Contentment means your accept His Decree.

5.Slow down when you’re angry. Slow down when you’re hurt. These are times when you’re most likely to say mean and hurtful things if you let your emotions get the better of you. So save yourself a lot of pain and heartache with this simple rule.

6.Don't be afraid of doing something because of what people are going to say about you. People will judge you no matter what. That’s just the way life is. Keep doing your thing and ignore the voices of dissent. You only have to please the Almighty and no one else.

7.We have become experts in diagnosing other people’s problems. We know everything about everyone, mainly because of social media. But we tend to pay little or no attention to ourselves. If we’d only focus on improving ourselves a bit more, the world would be a much better place

8.When your heart is heavy & burdened & your mind sees no way out, that’s when you need to trust the Almighty & depend on Him even more. Don’t entertain negative thoughts from Satan. Rise above it. It won’t be easy but you must do it. Bear utmost patience & He will find a way out.

9.Life will always have ups & downs, good times & bad. Learn from them all. Each new day is a new opportunity to show the Almighty how grateful we are.

10.When life doesn't make sense, when you're facing your darkest hour, that's when your faith is being tested to see if you crumble or hold on.

11.All the prayers you’ve been making, the dreams you’ve been wanting so badly, trust the Almighty because He has it under control. He is going to ensure that things fall into place. He is going to make things happen that you could never have done on your own.

12.Each day, we face a different challenge. Some challenges are easy to get by, some are more difficult than others. Almighty, grant us the strength to make it through each challenge. We know You have better things planned for us.

13.It’s natural to feel broken if you’ve been treated badly or been the subject of rumours etc. But remember, some things are not within your control. Turn every anxiety, fear and concern into a supplication. Look at it as another reason to submit to the Almighty. Trust Him.


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