life lesson by mufti menk-180

1.Don’t make fun of others. The one you’re making fun of could be a much better person than you. You’ll never know. Besides, making fun of someone stems from a heart that is full of bad character. Protect yourself from such acts.

2.Focus is crucial in our relationship with the Almighty, especially in this age of distraction. This focus is not only meant for our daily prayers, but should stretch to every aspect of our lives. Living a distracted life leads nowhere as we’ll fall prey to the tricks of Satan.

3.Are you aware that death is chasing us just like we’re chasing this temporary world? Today, many souls left us & the same will happen tomorrow. The truth is we're clueless when our time will come. Let us be prepared & always be in a state of obedience to our Lord. Turn to Him.

4.No matter how difficult your life has been all this while, know that the Almighty has things planned for you. With Him on your side, you should move forward with confidence. Your best days are out there waiting for you.

5.My heart goes out to the people of Pakistan as they are facing and suffering from the worst floods in years. May the Almighty grant them ease and keep them safe from all harm. Aameen. #PakistanFloods

6.It’s human nature to take things for granted. Don’t put things off till tomorrow. Be disciplined enough to do it today. Things might be different tomorrow. The ones you love may no longer be there. Nothing is guaranteed. That’s a reality. What if tomorrow never comes?

7.Almighty. Protect our children in these testing times. Grant them a heart of faith, keep them healthy & heal all those who are ill. Bless them with good, righteous friends & those who will remind them of You. Grant them a strong sense of right & wrong & keep them safe.

8.When something is not right and you feel yourself drifting away from the Almighty, reflect and analyse the situation. What took you away from Him? Remember, when you’ve had a bad harvest, you fix the environment, not the crop. Get to the source of the problem.

9.Many think that marriage is magical and that love can change all your woes. When it fades or leaves, at least from time to time, they think that means the marriage should end. Wrong. Marriages take work. They don’t happen by magic and don’t stay alive without investing in them.

10.Have the courage to walk away from the drama and people who create it around you. It’s most often about them and not you. Surround yourself with those who support you and believe in you. Focus on the positive. Love those who treat you well, pray for the ones who don't. They need it.

11.When we feel rejected, misunderstood and let down by people, it’s the Almighty teaching us a valuable lesson. Remember the wisdom in all that. When you depend on others, expect to be let down. That’s the nature of humans. We should really be depending on Him for everything.

12.Don't judge others just because you've heard what they've done. Always give people a chance to prove themselves. It’s the least you can do and not have preconceived ideas planted in your head. Remember, the Almighty can move hearts. He guides whom He wills anytime.

13.When you feel guilt in your heart after you’ve sinned, be grateful. It’s the Almighty’s way of telling you to repent and do good. He’s offering you a way out after you’ve gone against what He has prescribed. That’s His Mercy.

14.Be wary of people who drain the positive energy right out of you, leaving you feeling frustrated, drained & unhappy. Shift your focus from trying to change other people & instead focus on making yourself feel better.

15.Pray even when it’s a struggle. Standing in prayer is not a last resort. It’s not what we do after we’ve read the self-help books, after we tried to get help from people or after we surfed the internet. Prayer is our lifeline to the One who made us.


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