life lesson by mufti menk-181

 1.The best thing you can do is to avoid arguments. Try your best to stay out of arguing when it’s worthless and can lead to enmity.

2.Don’t waste your good deeds by showing off or reminding others what you’ve done. Do good sincerely for the sake of the Almighty ; without being stingy or afraid that it would decrease your wealth. And never look down on any charity, no matter how small it may be.

3.Do you ever feel stuck? Like being in a rut; a life filled with regrets, whys and what ifs playing back and forth in your mind? It’s the work of Satan. The Almighty wants you back on the path, no matter how far you’ve deviated. His everlasting Mercy awaits you. Turn to Him.

4.Your life story is yours alone. It’s decreed by the One who made you. The challenges, the grief, the heartache; all part of who you are and the lessons you’ve learnt along the way. He puts you through the tests and gets you through them.

5.Always treat people better than how they treated you. Be kind to the unkind. Be the first to forgive. Lift the person who tried to push you down. Utter good words to your haters. Smile for no apparent reason just because you are grateful.

6.The truth is there are people who will hate you if you’re doing well and they’ll hate you if you’re not. So whatever it is, don’t pay attention to them. You’re not alone in dealing with such people. Remember, insecure people put others down to raise themselves.

7.Almighty. We ask You to make us better people today than we were yesterday. Help us win the fight between desire and discipline so we may get closer to You. Help us grow into positive and grateful people. Aameen.

8.The closer you get to the Almighty, the more you will feel Him in your life. You’ll find that your trials and difficulties become easier to handle. He will touch the inner depths of your heart with a profound peace.

9.When you’ve decided to make positive changes, don’t go back to your old ways. Bad habits, toxic people and energy always tend to come back when you are doing better. Don’t entertain them. Stay focused. Stay grounded.

10.Your heart may have been stabbed by hurtful words from careless people. You're in pain. Comfort and soothe yourself with the Almighty's words. Only He can mend your heart.

11.Be mindful what you take away from social media. Depending on your outlook and attitude, you may be cultivating a ridiculous, fictitious life that so many people end up living. May the Almighty grant us an awareness and protect us all.

12.Life’s too short to waste valuable time with the wrong company. Surround yourself with those who will draw you closer to the Almighty. Those who will challenge you to greater heights and to be better human beings.

13.Don’t let negative thoughts breed in your mind. Often we think of ‘what ifs’ and other scenarios. We worry for no apparent reason. Get rid of such negative thoughts. That’s exactly what Satan wants. Learn to have faith and trust the Almighty instead.

14.The Almighty is the Owner of everything. He never runs out of favour. His Resources are limitless. The fact that He blesses someone abundantly won’t stop Him from doing the same for others.

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16.Don’t let your worries get the better of you. Don’t let your stress cause you to crumble. The Almighty is the Best Planner. He knows what He’s doing. Everything will turn out fine. He has your back. You have to believe that.


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