life lesson by mufti menk-183


1.Restrain your anger because if you let it get out of hand, the consequences will be dire. Cursing, swearing, spewing hate & hurting someone are possible outcomes. Anger can lead to many evils. So exercise self-control & you won’t have to live with regret.

2.The world will teach you to never be satisfied; always wanting more. It’s one of the biggest traps of Satan. It’s so widespread that people have forgotten to appreciate what they have. Always ill at ease, thinking of the next thing before they can even appreciate what they have.

3.Remember, no one in your life is perfect. Stop expecting them to be perfect. There’s no such thing. Such people don’t exist. You’re setting yourself up for a huge disappointment if you expect perfection. We are all humans & we make mistakes. Accept it & you’ll be a lot happier.

4.Almighty. Protect us from the greed of our own soul. You know how we’re constantly struggling against worldly pleasures, hypocrisy & insincerity, hatred & envy, arrogance & pride etc. Help us to purify our hearts against such evil traits which Satan has beautified.

5.Life is hard. Because Paradise is earned through hard work. Many things will come our way to tempt us. Hardship and tragedy will befall us but let's stay firm and keep our hearts attached to our Creator. We can overcome anything with His Power.

6.The Almighty doesn’t waste anything. Everything we go through is part of our life’s journey. The tests, the trials, the difficulties, the delays, the unfair situations; they all serve their purpose eventually. Trust His Plans.

7.When you see a family member, a friend or someone you know make a mistake, correct him, guide him to do what’s right and pray for him. Do this in a gentle manner. Don’t mock and insult him, making it easier for Satan to mess his mind even more.

8.People often ask why do bad things happen to good people while all that’s good goes to the bad ones? If you dig deeper, you’ll realize that whatever happens in your life is according to the Almighty’s plan. It’ll always work out for you, be it in this world or the next. Be patient.

9.If there’s something you want, you have to work for it. You can’t just sit back & do nothing. When you have put in effort, exhausted your brains on how to tackle a certain problem, then you can sit back. Rely on the Almighty for the results. If it’s meant for you, it’ll be yours.

10.If there’s something you want, you have to work for it. You can’t just sit back & do nothing. When you have put in effort, exhausted your brains on how to tackle a certain problem, then you can sit back. Rely on the Almighty for the results. If it’s meant for you, it’ll be yours.

11.Some people keep cursing their fate, wondering why it’s always them who have to suffer. Why is the Almighty always testing me? Why is He rewarding those who sin with more wealth? The truth is each one of us is tested differently. He knows what He’s doing. Press on.

12.Recognize when things no longer serve a purpose and begin to harm you. You let it go not because of arrogance or pride but because it doesn't fit into your life anymore. So close the chapter, learn the lessons and shake off the dust. Don’t waste your life. Move on.

13.Never take your faith for granted. There are millions out there waiting for guidance yet the Almighty chose you by His Mercy. Work on yourself constantly by improving and trying to be better than what you were yesterday. Thank Him for all that He has blessed you with.

14.Don’t be frustrated. Be patient instead; with the Almighty and with yourself. Don’t be in such a rush. We often expect His schedule to be the same as ours. It rarely works that way. We’re in a hurry. He’s not. Remember, He’s always on time. Never early or late.

15.Almighty. We pray that You keep us on the straight path. Protect us from being misled and misguided by all the lies and trickery of this world. Show us the truth as truth and allow us to follow it; and show us the wrong as wrong and help us to avoid it. Aameen

16.Don’t try and fit in your five daily appointments with the Almighty only when you have the time. Chances are you’ll be busy and you’ll forget. Set aside time for Him daily. It’s an appointment you have to keep, no matter what’s going on in your life. Don’t break it.

17.Don’t make fun of others. The one you’re making fun of could be a much better person than you. You’ll never know. Besides, making fun of someone stems from a heart that is full of bad character. Protect yourself from such acts.


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