life lesson by mufti menk-185


1.Your value is not related to how much you have amassed. Never judge your self-worth by your net worth. You came into this world with nothing & you’re not taking anything material out of it. Life’s not about the wealth you’ve acquired. It’s about the bonds you’ve forged.

2.We live in angry times. All the sharing on social media makes it worse. Learn to control your innermost urge to retaliate. You don’t have to respond in most cases. If you don't slow down when you start to see red, you can do significant damage to your life. Keep the peace.

3.Some things just aren’t worth your energy. Know when to get involved and when to lay off. There’s too much going on around us. It’s easy to get sucked into other people’s drama. Learn to take a step back & look at things in perspective. Don’t be too quick to take the plunge. ‬

4.Almighty. Heal the wounds we have collected and kept inside for so long. Grant us success in this world and the Hereafter. Don’t let our achievements get to our heads. Guide us and show us a way out of our difficulties. Aameen. ‬

5.Learn to listen. People want to be heard. To feel that their voice matters. Give them a listening ear. Show them that in the chaos of this world, someone is concerned and can empathize with them, free from judgment. Be that person for someone. Show your ability to care.

6.You can reboot your life many times over and start afresh but if the program doesn’t involve the Almighty, you’ll be back to square one in no time, with no progress being made at all. So never leave Him out of your equation if you want success, both in this world and the next.

7.Don’t take your sins lightly. You may think you’ve done nothing wrong but you forgot how you shouted at the housekeeper when you lost your temper; the person you pushed aside so you got ahead of the queue. May the Almighty help us to constantly reflect on our shortcomings.

8.Don’t take your sins lightly. You may think you’ve done nothing wrong but you forgot how you shouted at the housekeeper when you lost your temper; the person you pushed aside so you got ahead of the queue. May the Almighty help us to constantly reflect on our shortcomings.

9.The best thing you can do is to avoid arguments. Try your best to stay out of arguing when it’s worthless and can lead to enmity.

10.Don’t waste your good deeds by showing off or reminding others what you’ve done. Do good sincerely for the sake of the Almighty ; without being stingy or afraid that it would decrease your wealth. And never look down on any charity, no matter how small it may be.


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