life lesson by mufti menk-187


1.Remember, the Lord of the Worlds has a way of making miracles out of mistakes. He will make you emerge from it even stronger than before.

2.Our journey is paved with sadness & happiness. No matter what the Almighty places in our path, keep putting one foot in front of the other, even when it hurts. Remember, no one knows what lies ahead but the One who made us. It will always be what’s good for us.‬

3.If you’re struggling to get rid of a bad habit, wrong attitudes, bitterness, diseases of the heart like revenge & hatred, don’t fret. It doesn’t happen overnight. You need a conscious effort & lots of help from the Almighty. Keep working on it. Nothing happens without His Will.

4.Are you thinking of giving up? Don’t! Think of how far you’ve come. Everything you’ve been through; the times you thought you couldn’t make it but did; the mornings you couldn’t get out of bed but pushed yourself anyway. Always seek your strength from the Almighty. You’ll be ok.

5.Where you are today isn’t where you will stay. Nothing lasts. The Almighty has promised us.‬ Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise with each new day. Keep hope alive in your heart. He’s right with you.

6.If you’re hurting, the Almighty will heal you. If you’re lost, only He can guide you. If you see darkness in your life, only He can be that beacon of light. If you’re contented, only He can give you more happiness & goodness. If you have Him in your life, you have everything.

7.Almighty. Grant ease to everyone going through trials. May they face this new day with hope in their hearts. May You lighten the heavy burden each one is shouldering right now. Help them to remember that this too shall pass & that nothing lasts.

8.Never doubt what the Almighty can do. The Lord of the Worlds can change things in the blink of an eye. So don’t stress over your current situation. He can replace what you’ve lost. He can suddenly open doors you never dreamed would open. Your job is to trust Him. ‬

9.Don’t fall for the trap that you must follow the way of the world to get ahead in your work, social life etc. Stand strong in faith & trust the Almighty to reward you. He knows all about the struggle, the tears, the hurt, everything that you’re going through. He’s All-Knowing.

10.Don't take anything for granted because you never know when you'll have it for the last time. Life is a precious gift, cherish every moment while you can. It’s truly such a blessing to be alive and to be able to impact so many lives. You’ll never know whose life you’re touching.

11.You may think that you’ve wasted so many years of your precious life having turned away form the Almighty. Remember, the Almighty can restore all those years once you’ve turned to Him sincerely. Nothing is ever wasted where He is concerned. So don't think that way.

12.Don’t be obsessed with things that went wrong or didn’t work out. That’s life in a nutshell. Keep going. You’ll never win this race of life if you keep looking back. The mistakes you’ve made don’t define who you are today. Think positive‬ that things will get better.


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