life lesson by mufti menk-188


1.Not everything needs a reaction. Learn to sit back at times and observe for a change. Perhaps you could learn a lot more this way. Try it.

2.We all struggle. Some of us more than others. There’s nothing wrong in admitting that we do. It makes us human. Life is not a walk in the park. Life is hard. It is also beautiful. You’ll feel happy and sad. Hurt and joy. Whatever you do, be real and keep friends who are real too.

3.When you’re hurt and your heart is broken, this could be a means of making you realize who is in control of your life. Whatever your trial, remember the Almighty often. Keep getting closer to Him. Always remember that this world itself is a trial for us. It is not our final destination.

4.If you're always filled with worry, stress and anxiety, you need to relook your life. You're supposed to trust the Almighty and His plans. Do your best and hand over the rest to Him.

5.We point a finger and correct others often but why is it so hard to correct ourselves? No one's perfect. Admit your faults and start correcting them today.

6.When things don’t work out the way you thought they would, it’s natural to feel sad, let down, depressed and despondent. Remember, it’s not the end. The Almighty has the best plan for you. You have to believe that. Be patient and everything will unfold right before your eyes.

7.When things don’t work out the way you thought they would, it’s natural to feel sad, let down, depressed and despondent. Remember, it’s not the end. The Almighty has the best plan for you. You have to believe that. Be patient and everything will unfold right before your eyes.

8.When someone has failed in what they set out to do, don’t push them down even harder. Give a word of encouragement. Uttering good words to someone after failure is worth more than all the praise you can give after success.

9.We live in a selfish world today. Every man for himself. But don’t be selfish with your prayer. Pray for your friends, your family, loved ones, as well as those you don't know. Remember, you may think it’s not much but your sincere prayer could change someone's situation.

10.Almighty. You hear the prayers and words we don’t utter but keep in our hearts. Help us to overcome the hardships and struggles in our lives. We know You will. You always have our best interest. We trust You. Aameen.

11.Success is a test from the Almighty. Many find it easy to forget Him when success comes their way. But if we remember that success comes from Him, we will pass the test with flying colours and He will grant us even more.

12.There’s too much jealousy going around. Do what you must without having to shout out to the world. Success isn’t loud. Work in silence. There’s no need to tell the world your next move. The Almighty knows and He is the only One who deserves to know everything.

13.Stop evaluating and judging others. Life’s too short for that. The unhappy people will constantly put you down. Let them do what they will. Keep busy with self-reflecting, and doing all you can to be a better person.

14.Don’t be mean to others. Don’t hold their past against them. As long as they’re making progress, no matter how slow, that’s good enough. Remember, to the Almighty, it’s the intention that matters.

15.Confide in the Almighty when you want something badly. There’s no need to tell others. One of the best ways to do it is to talk to Him when the world sleeps; in the depths of the night, away from distractions of the waking hours. Ask from your heart. Sincerely. ‬


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