life lesson by mufti menk-189


1.We've all been hurt & learnt painful lessons. But each time, we pick ourselves up & move on with quiet confidence. This is what beautiful patience is about. It doesn’t complain, knowing the Almighty’s in full control of everything. Relief will come soon.

2.If you’re constantly edgy, always complaining about the slightest thing, low on tolerance and upset with people around you, be wary. These are signs of weak faith. Patience and tolerance are the hallmarks of a believer.

3.Don’t worry about people. They don’t have to know your life story. You don’t have to tell anybody anything. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Just keep your heart attached to the Almighty. That’s all that matters.

4.Pain is part of life. Embrace it. Live it. It helps you grow. Remember, the pain is temporary but the lesson lasts for a long time if not a lifetime.

5.People will speculate, they’ll think the worst of you, they’ll judge, assume, gossip and backbite. When told the truth, most won’t even bother to correct themselves. Such is the state of humankind today. Protect yourself. Stay away from such sinful acts.

6.Almighty. Protect us from the evils of this world. Grant us strength and good patience to cope with our trials. Help us surrender to Your Decree. You know what we don’t. You know what we need. You know what’s best for us. Aameen.

7.Don’t get upset when people say bad things about you. Don’t waste your energy with negative emotions. They will only drain you. Remember, people won’t bother about those who are’nt making an impact in life. Continue doing what you do best & let others say what they will.

8.You want inner peace? Don’t worry about what others may think of you or whatever people may say. Lower your expectation of others. Don’t be distracted by the petty talk people may throw at you. Focus on what you want to achieve and keep going.

9.No act of kindness that you do, no matter how small will go unnoticed. The Almighty is All-Knowing and sees what you do in private and He has promised to reward you openly for your faithfulness.

10.Never forget that if the Almighty wills, He can take you at any time, any place. You could be in the pink of health but if He says you must go, you’ll have to leave this world. So live in a state of preparedness and always be grateful for another day.

11.People tend to grow apart after some time. It happens. Your circle of friends and who you hang out with will change. It may be uncomfortable. Some people may find it hard to accept. But that’s life. It’s part of the Almighty’s plan. ‬

12.At times we get so caught up with what others expect from us that we neglect our own needs and what we have to work on ourselves. Remember, self-care is important too. Don’t lose perspective.

13.Focus on the right things. Things that matter. Not on other people's lives, their drama, problems & behaviour.All that isn’t your business. You need to fix what needs fixing in your life. Don’t be distracted. Don’t compare your life to others. Circumstances are never the same.‬

14.Spreading rumours is incredibly dangerous. It destroys reputations, breaks down relationships and causes mayhem in someone’s life. ‬It’s so common today because so many have lost basic decency and wouldn’t bat an eyelid mass texting such messages without verifying. Be careful.

15.Some people love to make fun of others & humiliate them in public. They lack social manners & some are plain downright rude. They are perhaps, unaware that no one has the right to humiliate or hurt another. Besides, the one humiliated may be closer to the Almighty. Be mindful.


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