life lesson by mufti menk-190


1.Remember, you have been given the faculty to tell right from wrong. So use that choice for your own good. Each time you’re tempted to do wrong but choose to do the right thing, you grow. That’s how you develop a closer link with the Almighty.

2.You can’t possibly see & correct your own shortcomings if you’re focused on criticizing others. Remember, you’re accountable for all your actions. The Almighty will ask you about what you’ve done, not about what others have done. Save yourself by focusing on yourself.

3.Almighty. Help us to maintain ties of kinship at all costs. May we never break family ties regardless of how our family treats us. May we let go of grudges and ill feelings. May we understand that if we want Your Mercy, we need to be merciful to others.

4.Don’t stop supplicating. Don’t stop asking the Almighty. The best supplications are the ones made from the heart and in a language you’re most comfortable in. The Almighty listens to your heart. He’s All Knowing.

5.We are in a sad state today. We let society dictate the norms, we become victims of our own desires. We find it easy to please the world. We want to appear great in front of others. What about our Creator? How much are we willing to do to please Him?

6.People will blame you, say nasty things and fabricate stories about you because you refused to be part of their drama. Let it be. Don't let them disrupt your peace. The Almighty knows the truth. That’s all that matters.

7.Speak the truth and mean what you say. Your word is your honour. Too many people make empty promises which they never intend to fulfil.

8.Don’t ever think that you’re stuck in any circumstance. Nothing is too difficult for the Almighty. Hold on firmly to your faith. It’s a matter of time before you see the light at the end of the tunnel. The breakthrough will come.

9.Foolish is the one who chases fame. It's greed for attention. It won’t last. If addicted to it, you feel you’re always on display, you have to act differently to different people and can't be 'real'. You crave publicity and want your experiences to be recognized by all. ‬

10.Stop stressing when others give up on you, walk out on you and turn their backs on you. It’s not the end of the world. The Almighty will see to it that you weather the storms in life, if you bear beautiful patience and trust Him. Don’t hesitate.

11.At some stage in your life, people will behave unjustly towards you. Don’t fret & get all upset. The truth will always out eventually. That should give you much comfort. Know that the Almighty is your best witness in all things. Keep your heart at peace no matter what’s going on.

12.Almighty. Purify our hearts so that we don’t end up being people pleasers. Help us to realise that our original intent of doing things is to please You; not the rest of the people. Keep us focused so we don’t end up neglecting our duties towards You.

13.Do you at times, feel that your life is one big obstacle course? It seems as soon as you cross over one obstacle, another one awaits you. Don’t give up. The Almighty has your back, no matter what you’re going through.

14.Let them do what they want. If they have evil intent, rest assured that the Almighty doesn't allow evil done to people to go unpunished. We have to keep moving forward. Leave it to the Almighty and trust Him to show us how to handle each situation.

15.You don’t have to be wealthy to be generous; though having both qualities would be a bonus. Generosity means giving more than just money. It’s about sacrifice, your time & effort. It keeps you close to the Almighty & Paradise. Avoid being miserly. Give even if you have little.

16.We had no say when we came into this world and similarly, we will have no say when we will leave this earth. Yet, we behave as if we know it all. We trudge the earth arrogantly without sparing a thought for others. Stay humble.

17.When you become excessively dependent on someone, the Almighty may detach you from the person just to show you where your strength lies. Remember, we need people but never as much as we need the Almighty.

18.Don’t wish ill on those who have harmed you. Instead, pray for them to acknowledge their mistakes and be guided. Don’t worry about revenge. The Almighty teaches us lessons we’re meant to learn at the right time. He is always with the one who’s right and fair.

19.Remember, the Lord of the Worlds has a way of making miracles out of mistakes. He will make you emerge from it even stronger than before.

20.Our journey is paved with sadness & happiness. No matter what the Almighty places in our path, keep putting one foot in front of the other, even when it hurts. Remember, no one knows what lies ahead but the One who made us. It will always be what’s good for us.‬


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