life lesson by mufti menk-191


1.Negative emotions bring about negative consequences. Just as we learn how helpful love & compassion can be, we must also understand that anger, pride, jealousy & arrogance can be detrimental. Always choose to respond positively. It will have a huge impact on your life.

2.When your heart is heavy & burdened & your mind sees no way out, that’s when you need to trust the Almighty & depend on Him even more. Don’t entertain negative thoughts from Satan. Rise above it. It won’t be easy but you must do it. Bear utmost patience & He will find a way out.

3.Be careful of the friends you choose for you may become like them. The opinions of your friends are often more important than others; even your family. That’s why it’s in your best interest to choose your friends wisely. They can be the reason why you succeed or fail.

4.You have the choice to focus on your blessings or your problems. Whichever you choose will either bring about contentment or worry and grief in your life. The more you focus on your blessings the more the Almighty will bestow upon you. He loves a grateful heart. So choose wisely.

5.If you can't help others, don't hurt them. In the end, what counts is your character and the impact you have on others. Life is too short. Live a life that matters.

6.Don’t be afraid of failure. It shows you’re human. This life is anything but perfect. So failure teaches you there’s room to grow and become better. With every shortcoming, we can learn something. Remember, your mistakes don’t define you. The truth is they teach you.

7.Continue to be thankful no matter what the circumstance.‪ The Almighty has a plan and we always need to be grateful for everything that He sends our way. All of it. Nothing is random. It’s all ‪planned. Trust Him.

8.The rich may be suffocating in wealth yet the poor may be at peace. A friend could stab you in the back and your enemy saves you. Such is life. Nothing is certain.

9.When you’re able to control your tongue, it shows you have matured spiritually. Misuse of the tongue can lead to destruction, sometimes without even realizing it. Learn to let go of unwholesome chats and let only beneficial things come out of your mouth.

10.Instead of making everything about yourself, learn to listen more and allow others to speak for a change. Show you’re interested, lend an ear to hear about their troubles without making any judgement. You’ll be surprised how much you can help someone just by listening.

11.You started out wrong. You're ashamed of your past. Don't dwell on self-pity. Take charge if you want sincere change. The Almighty will guide you.

12.Don’t be distracted and start comparing yourself to others. Comparison is a distraction. It sidetracks you from your original course. Instead of comparing, recognize that the Almighty has bestowed on each of us just what we need for our individual journey.

13.Almighty. We thank You for giving us the strength when we felt like giving up. We’ve learnt not to panic because we know You’re with us. Keep our hearts firm in faith, come what may. We trust in the plans You have for us... for a bright future. Aameen. ‬

14.Remember you can either complain about it or have faith in the Almighty to guide you through it, learn from it and grow. The choice is yours.

15.Whatever you can give and whenever you can, spend in the way of the Almighty. It will never leave you poor. You’ll be among the richest and happiest person on Judgement Day.


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