life lesson by mufti menk-192


1.Too many people talk but don’t act. They make promises but never fulfil them. Such is the way of the world today. Beware such hypocrisy.

2.Avoid sharing details of your problems with people. Most don’t care and would prefer to gossip about it. Take it to the Almighty instead.

3.There’s no need to know it all. No one does. Remember, we are all a work in progress. Each day, we try to learn more and be better. That’s what matters.

4.It’s normal for us to feel unappreciated and unrewarded if we’re doing things for the wrong reasons. Change your intent. Do it for the sake of the Almighty and He will reward you.

5.It’s easy to think the worst of something. In fact, it comes naturally to many. To think the best requires faith. Especially when things look bleak. That’s the Almighty testing you to see how you’ll respond. Do you crumble and throw in the towel or do you press on and trust Him?

6.Use whatever the Almighty has bestowed on you to help others as much as you can. It need not be material. Time, energy, words of motivation, a listening ear, a helping hand can go a long way towards brightening someone’s day.

7.In this age where people are conditioned to look ‘perfect’, have the courage to be yourself; to be real and not fake things about yourself just to fit into an image. Be authentic, be sincere and the Almighty will open doors for you which you never imagined before.

8.Don’t dislike people just because you’ve heard something bad about them. Always give them the benefit of the doubt. Would you like others to do that to you? Surely you don’t want to be condemned by those you’ve not even met? Be fair. The Almighty loves those who are fair-minded.

9.It’s easy to get depressed when things are not going your way. But remember that the nature of this life is for us to be tested. No matter how bad the situation, sooner or later, relief will come your way. Take heart.

10.Almighty. We ask You to protect us from the evil eye; people who often pry into our personal lives, especially those who don’t wish us well and want to see us fail. Aameen.

11.Quit speaking ill of others to make you feel better about yourself. It may make you feel good momentarily but it won’t last. Over time, you’ll learn to relise that it erodes the value of you really are. Change your course and stop such habits.

12.We all cry. Yes we do. Not just children, adults too. If we don’t do it openly, we cry deeply in our hearts. It provides a huge sense of relief. Often we try to be strong for those around us. But sometimes it gets overwhelming. Don't be ashamed. It's the Mercy of the Almighty.

13.It's never easy to hide pain under a smile. Only selfless people can do it. The ones who care about others more than they do themselves. So be kind to all around you, no one knows what inner turmoil each one is going through. ‬

14.There’s no end to what we want; better car, a bigger house, a better job, more money. The list is endless. Stop for a moment & think. Will they really make us happy? Ask the Almighty for what’s best. Trust Him to give you what you need most.

15.Learn to appreciate the little things in life. They mean a lot. The Almighty has given us so much, more than we need and we take them for granted. We keep wanting more. Constantly think of how blessed we are and never forget to thank Him. ‬


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