life lesson by mufti menk-194


1.Almighty. Help us to truly understand that things work by Your schedule. Not ours. We tend to forget that. We’re always in a rush. That’s what this world has taught us. Sadly, we forget that one of the biggest life lessons You’re teaching us is patience.

2.If the Almighty has chosen to guide you, be thankful. Remember, He guides whom He wills and it’s His Mercy that has enveloped you. Thank Him. Don’t belittle those who have deviated from His path. He can change their situation any time.

3.It’s easy to be carried away by the glitter of this world. It can harm you, it can kill you. It depends on you. It’s simply a bridge you need to cross to get into your final, permanent home. Spend your energy and invest wisely to build that home so you’ll have no regrets.

4.When something is taken away from us or when calamity strikes, the Almighty always gives us the strength to deal with it, otherwise it would never have come to us in the first place. He never burdens a soul with more than it can bear. Have faith and be patient.

5.When we’re depressed we tend to think, “Is this all my life is going to be? Is it never going to get better?” This is the trick of Satan who will keep playing on your emotions. Remember this life is temporary. An everlasting life awaits us.

6.Don’t be sad. Don't think that nobody could possibly be in a worse situation than what we’re facing now. That’s not true. Always look at those who are in far worse situations than ourselves when we’re feeling hopeless and depressed.

7.The sad truth is we are generally impatient. We ask the Almighty and expect instantaneous response. Do not give up because you are tired of waiting. He will give you whatever it is in His timing. Keep going and finish the race.

8.Imagine if the Almighty bestowed your blessings all at once. You wouldn’t be able to enjoy it to the fullest. There’s wisdom in waiting; in bearing patience. So keep your faith and wait for the right time.

9.Do remember that not everything about you is meant to be disclosed to everyone. Keep private things private. Be discerning. It will keep you from a ton of trouble and disappointment in the end. ‬

10.No one is doomed for as long as you feel remorse after you’ve sinned. As long as you’re seeking forgiveness, the Almighty will forgive you. Satan will tease and taunt you that you’re not worthy of being forgiven. Ignore such thoughts. Never doubt the Mercy of the Most Forgiving!

11.You won’t get everything you want in this world. The nature of this world is such that things won’t go according to your plans. It’s all up to the Almighty. So when your faith is being put to the test, don’t crumble. Supplicate to Him. That’s the only way to change things.‬

12.Your journey is yours alone. Some may choose to walk it with you but they can’t walk it for you. So appreciate your own company, love yourself and do what you have to do.

13.It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes. We all do. You don’t need to carry around labels or mistakes from yesterday as if they define you. Whatever’s done, is done. It’s over. It doesn’t have to brand you and affect the new choices you're making today. Go forward.

14.Be mindful of your old habits. Don’t go back to them. Remember, toxic behaviour and negative energy have a way of creeping back into your life when you’re doing better. Make a conscious effort to boot them out once and for all. Be firm. Be focused.

15.Be less quick to react to people or situations. Often, they are powerless when you are less reactive. When people provoke you, try distancing yourself from them. They want you to lose your cool & get angry. Don’t give in to them. Train yourself to stay calm instead. ‬


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