life lesson by mufti menk-200

 1.Stop reacting to all that's said to you. Take it in and reason it out to see if it needs a response. If it does, respond kindly. If not, let it go and move on. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble.

2.If you're blessed with wealth, use it wisely. You'll be envied but do all the good you can. The Almighty’s given you a huge responsibility. Don’t waste the opportunity.

3.If you want to know something about me, ask me. Don’t ask others. They’re NOT me. They’ve NOT walked in my shoes & don’t know the real me.

4.Don’t be obsessed with being perfect. We are all perfectly imperfect and a work in progress. Just do your best and leave the rest to the Almighty.

5.Sometimes the Almighty makes you fall so you can find your strength after falling. So be prepared for life to push you down. Pick yourself up, learn the lesson and carry on with your journey.

6.Fix yourself in such a way that whatever the Almighty sends your way, you’ll be fine. You know it’s His Decree. You know nothing lasts and how temporary this life is.

7.Do you want more peace in your life? Learn to mind your own business!

8.As you mature, you’ll realize that many things in life don’t require your comment. So learn to hold your tongue and think before you speak.

9.As you mature, you’ll realize that many things in life don’t require your comment. So learn to hold your tongue and think before you speak.

10.Almighty. Guide us to follow the truth and avoid falsehood. Have Mercy on us, make matters easy for us and help us to do the things that please You. Aameen.

11.Why do we always feed the need to be nosey? Why do we have to know everything that’s going on in someone else’s life? You’d be surprised with how much positive changes you could make in your life, if you made it a priority to mind your own business.

12.When you supplicate to the Almighty, never for a moment think that He might be tired of listening to you. He loves it when you ask Him. He is never angry or fed up. He knows how much you need Him. He is ever ready to listen. Nothing is impossible for Him. So keep asking.

13.When we do good, most of the time, we’re hoping to get some recognition and appreciation from others. But if we purify our intention and do something solely for the sake of the Almighty, the rewards are beyond our imagination. No matter how small the deed, He knows.

14.Don’t worry about people harming you. Protect yourself the best way you can but remember there’s no might greater than the Almighty. Never lose that link with Him. Always seek protection from Him and Him alone.

15.No matter how tired you are, how much you’re struggling, keep moving closer towards the Almighty. Remember, our hearts and faith are constantly shifting. Don’t let Satan take control. Try your best to keep on the straight path always. It won’t be easy but it will be worth it.


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