life lesson by mufti menk-201


1.For a calm and more peaceful life, quit listening to gossip and learn to ignore what others are saying about you. Look for the good in everything. Learn to be positive and spread goodness. Always remember to be grateful for your life. And let the Almighty handle everything else.

2.Some people can be very difficult to deal with. They will hurt you with their words and actions. It’s easy to just be angry and shut them out of your lives. But at times you can’t. They may be family members. Remember, they are a test from the Almighty. Will you be patient?

3.Don’t waste your effort worrying about what people will think or say about you. It’s a futile exercise and it’s wrong to waste precious time like that. Instead, use that time wisely; do meaningful work, help someone. Spread goodness & kindness which can have a ripple effect.

4.Your battles have resonated with millions across the globe who struggle to exercise their freedom to cover, even in the West. As a result of your effort, WHD has become a day of awareness for those who don't know much about the hijab. An opportunity to learn that the struggle to cover is real. Well done.

5.Take the spite out of your heart. Purify it. Your heart is a small organ. When you fill it with hatred for someone, you’re preventing it from being filled with the love of the Almighty. Always ask Him to protect us from hearts that are consumed by hatred, envy, pride, jealousy.

6.Almighty, in a world that never stops talking, let us learn to appreciate silence. Grant us the ability to listen to the unspoken words many are uttering but no one is listening because everyone’s busy talking. Grant ease to those who are battling their trials quietly. Aameen.

7.The truth is we love to pick on people, jump on their failures & criticize their faults. We do it with such passion like it’s a natural pastime. Bear in mind that it could all come back to us at any time. What goes around, comes around.‬

8.If you ask for the Almighty’s help, rest assured it will always come but more often, not how you expect. But the way it comes is exactly what you needHe knows that. Only He knows you better than you know yourself. Bear patience and wait for the best outcome.

9.The Almighty is the most Merciful. Even when our faith is weak or lacking, He continues to bless us. He continues to favour us, despite the odds. He will keep doing that for as long as He wishes. That’s the Almighty. You have to trust Him.

10.Negative emotions bring about negative consequences. Just as we learn how helpful love & compassion can be, we must also understand that anger, pride, jealousy & arrogance can be detrimental. Always choose to respond positively. It will have a huge impact on your life.


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