life lesson by mufti menk-205


1.We all make mistakes. There are no exceptions. The people we’re dealing with may be new to what they are doing, not feeling well, or coping with personal issues & are doing their best to carry on. Giving them a chance to make it right could be the small respite they need.

2.For every pain you endure,

For every fear that grips your heart, For every worry that keeps you awake, For every loss that you grieve over, For anything & everything that you can’t handle, Leave it to the Lord of the Worlds. He’s the best disposer of our affairs.

3.Almighty. Grant us Your Mercy, relieve our fears and anxieties, remove our distress and let peace reign in our hearts. Bestow upon us patience and wisdom in the trials You send our way. Keep us firm in faith in these trying times. Aameen. ‬

4.When faced with a problem that’s getting you down, try to see it from a different perspective. What is the Almighty teaching you in all this? What’s the bigger lesson you’re meant to be learning? This will not only strengthen your faith, it will also make you more proactive.‬

5.To fail does not make you a failure. It teaches and reminds you that the Almighty’s plan is better than yours. His plan always prevails. He’ll send you signs and redirect you.

6.Don’t compete with the one you see on social media. That’s most likely NOT real life. Just be yourself. Never mind if it’s not glamorous.‬

7.Do you feel that life is unfair & people are treating you badly? Well, remember, the Almighty knows the truth. Let people do what they will; you can’t control them. But the Lord of the Worlds is always in full control. Do your best & trust Him to protect you from them.

8.We are all facing the storms of life but we are not all in the same boat. Some have fancy yachts and vessels. Others are rowing in canoes. Some can’t keep afloat and are drowning. Be kind to those who cross your path. You’ve no idea what they’re going through.

9.When you stain your tongue with slander, backbiting and gossip, your spirituality goes down significantly. You may think you’re harming the other person but in actual fact, you’re harming yourself. So learn to hold your tongue because it has the power to make you or break you.

10.Never stop believing that good things can still happen even in times of chaos. That’s how merciful the Almighty is; He can give when you least expect it. He can open doors you never ever knocked and the list is endless. Always think good thoughts of Him.

11.Things will turn out the way the Almighty wants them to; not the way you always think they should. Trust Him without a doubt. Satan will always mess with your mind, he never takes a vacation. So stay vigilant and stay connected always to the One who made you.

12.Don’t let your past hold you back from your future. No matter how bad you think you are, repent and move on. The Almighty is always waiting to guide you to the straight path. Make peace with Him. Get into His good books. Don’t delay. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

13.Almighty. Grant ease to those undergoing major upheaval from the earthquake. Grant Mercy to those who have perished. Comfort those who’ve lost loved ones and help them pick up the pieces of their lives. Empower them with much needed strength to carry on Aameen.

14.Do you know what inner strength is? It’s hanging on to hope and trust in the Almighty that despite the hardship and storm you’re facing right now, you’ll be fine in the end. Because He has promised us that nothing lasts; so lighten your heart.


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