life lesson by mufti menk-206


1.Almighty. Calm our troubled hearts. Let peace and tranquility reign once again. There’s so much noise and confusion around us that it’s easy to be distracted and lose focus. Many useless things demand our attention. Guide us. Keep us firm in faith; always close to You! Aameen.

2.There are people around you who need what you have. Use whatever the Almighty has bestowed on you to help others as much as you can. It need not be material. Time, energy, words of motivation, a listening ear, a helping hand can go a long way towards brightening someone’s day.

3.Learn to keep your good news to yourself. Thank the Almighty for His Blessings but don’t feel the need to share with all and sundry. Keep the circle small. Not everyone will be happy for you.

4.Why do you feel the need to explain everything to everyone. Don’t. Connect with the One who made you, who knows all about you and understands you best.

5.Embrace your tests. The Almighty sends them to you for a reason. At your lowest, you’ll learn a lot. Use that to spur you to greater heights.

6.Don’t underestimate the little things you do for others. No matter how small the act, it will come back to you eventually. The appreciation and thank you may be delayed for ages but that’s ok because your reward is truly with the Almighty. So do things out of love not obligation.

7.Today we all suffer from TMI. Too much information or information overload. Remember, you are what you feed your mind. Your mental diet is just as important as your food intake. Thoughts are powerful food for your mind. What you believe, you become. So think positive thoughts.

8.The Almighty never told us that this life would be all sunshine and rainbows. We’re here to be tested. The world will bring you down to your knees often. It will keep you there if you allow it. Don’t. Get right up. Keep going the way He has prescribed. Remain steadfast.

9.Don’t waste the good that you do. Ensure that they are solely for the sake of the Almighty. Because if you do them with ulterior motives, they’re wasted; they won’t last; the reward won't extend to the next life. So keep purifying your intent.

10.Understand that your success will bother some people. In fact, it will offend those who want to control you. They will go out of their way to tarnish your reputation and spread untruths about you. Don’t worry about them. They have no power over you. The Almighty will see to it.

11.Are you the person who sees the glass as half full rather than half empty? Remember, being positive is one of the main things you need for survival. Your ability to do this, no matter what life throws at you is key to being happy & appreciating where you are in life. Be thankful.

12.Almighty. Keep us away from sin. Help those who have fallen into such conditions & gone off track to get back to You. Soften their hearts so they may connect with You again through prayer. Constantly remind us that we’re dependent on You & not ourselves.


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