life lesson by mufti menk-208

 1.Your journey won’t be paved with roses, be wary of the thorns along the way. Your plans won’t always work out but trust the Almighty to set you right always.

2.Ignore those who talk behind your back. You can’t stop them. What everyone else has to say, think, or feel about how you live your life does not and should not affect your happiness or state of mind. It’s really about them, not you. Realize this before it's too late.‬

3.Focus on yourself. Mind your own business. Don’t start comparing and spoil every blessing you have. Remember, your grass will never be greener by focusing on someone else's lawn. Water your own. Nurture your own. Refocus your energy on your blessings. You’ll reach your goals.

4.Don’t be afraid to shed tears. Cry all you want to the Almighty. It’s a quality of the righteous. Tears are prayers too. They travel to Him when we are so overcome with emotion that we can’t find the right words to say. He’s the Best Listener.

5.Do you have any genuine friends? Those who are not driven by money, status, and ego? To be honest, it gets harder to find such people today. They exist but are few and far between. So if you know one, you’re truly blessed. Respect them. Keep them close. ‬

6.Even the greatest of deeds can be of no benefit if the hearts are sick; if the hearts are corrupt; if the hearts are laced with envy, pride, jealousy, hatred etc. So pay close attention to the state of your heart because everything you do flows from it.

7.During this blessed month of #Ramadan, the Almighty saves people from Hellfire. Keep seeking forgiveness and keep drawing closer to Him. The biggest loser is the one who lives through this blessed month and fails to attain His Forgiveness.

8.Never think that the Almighty has forgotten about you. He’s All Knowing. He has seen the tears, the heartache and pain. None of it will be wasted. He will pave a way for you and you’ll be stronger than before. Be patient.

9.Read the signs when the Almighty’s telling you to move on. Don’t put a question mark where He has put a full stop. It’s not in our capacity to fully understand all that’s going on; but know that He will heal the pain and mend the heart.

10.Almighty. On this blessed first Friday in #Ramadan make us among those who fast sincerely for Your sake. May You accept our fasts & nights in prayer which we do in full submission. Keep us away from heedlessness & forgive all our sins. Aameen.

11.Let us soften our hearts for #Ramadan & renew our link with the Almighty. For a blessed month that's bountiful with deeds, start repenting sincerely. Commit to change for the better & discard old habits which don't serve any purpose.

12.Make a firm commitment this #Ramadan to motivate & build people up. Use your words wisely to leave a lasting impact. Let nothing but good come out of your mouth. The effects will resonate far & wide.

13.I wish every one the most blessed and spiritually uplifting #Ramadan . May the Almighty keep us steadfast and grant us the best month. Aameen

14.Don’t look down on those who are trying to get close to the Almighty, no matter how small their effort may seem to you. Not everyone is on the same spiritual level. Don’t use yourself as the yardstick. Everyone is worthy of help. Only the Almighty knows what’s in the hearts. ‬

15.Don’t get involved in people’s drama & dysfunction. There’s a lot of that going on nowadays. As much as they try to engage you, take a step back. If they’re reasonable & open to discussion, you could try advising them. Else, stay clear or you could lose your peace altogether.


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