life lesson by mufti menk-209


1.No matter how badly you’ve messed up, you’re NOT a failure. Don’t entertain that thought if it crosses your mind. As long as you’re seeking forgiveness & trying to get close to the Almighty, He will forgive you. That’s our Merciful Lord. His approval is all you need.

2.Every stage of your life is preparing you for the next level. Be content with what you have and thank the Almighty. He has planned it all. So even if you seem to be in a hopeless situation and feel vulnerable, remember it will come to pass and be okay in the end.

3.Be wary of the jealous heart. It can do untold damage & eventually destroy you. Jealous people often talk bad about you behind your back to ruin your reputation & your relationship with others. May the Almighty protect us from such people & help us purify our hearts.

4.Whatever you do, just be kind. Never mind if it’s not reciprocated. Do it for the sake of the Almighty and watch how your life takes on a different turn.

5.Learn to appreciate the good people out there. Those who have remained unfazed by the hardships sent their way. Those who didn’t let pain change the beauty of their hearts. They’re the change this world desperately needs. Thank them for making a difference.

6.At times, friends & loved ones are those who hurt us the most. Such is life. Considering the nature of these relationships, some incidents can leave a deep wound, threatening to affect friendships & harm family ties. Turn to the Almighty; only He can help us heal & forgive.

7.Almighty. You’re the only One who knows all the ups and downs in our lives. Only You know our pain & discomfort. Only You are there for our grief and sorrow. Only You have the power to heal us, grant hope in our hearts and make us feel whole again. Aameen.

8.Not every battle is worth fighting. Learn to be more discerning. Don’t get involved in other people’s drama. Sometimes it’s better to maintain the peace than to go all out to prove who is right. People might get hurt in the process. Leave it to the Almighty, the fairest Judge.

9.The Almighty is the Turner of Hearts. He can change things in the blink of an eye. Don’t forget that. He can heal what has been hurting for years in a flash. He can forgive as He wills. Nothing is beyond the Lord of the Worlds. Have faith that things will work out in the end. ‬

10.You cannot control other people. You can’t force them to do what they don’t want to do. The only person you can control is you. So don’t let their behaviour & what they do upset you. Your worrying, obsessing, venting etc, has zero impact on them. It only hurts you.

11.Mistakes, regrets and failures are all part of life. Do yourself a favour and don’t dwell on them. Learn the lessons they’re meant to teach you and move on. Life’s too short to be crying over what didn’t work out. The Almighty’s giving you another opportunity. Don’t waste it.

12.Not having many friends is nothing to be ashamed of. Remember, quality above quantity. More importantly, befriending those who will remind you of the Almighty. If you have such friends, hold onto them dearly.

13.Don’t let people who’ve not walked in your shoes tell you how to live your life. Your journey is yours alone, known only to you and the One who made you. Seek your strength from Him. Let people say what they want. Trust your intuition. Trust Him.

14.Keep calling out to the Almighty. Ask for forgiveness, for mercy not just for yourself but for family & loved ones. All such acts are forms of worship & they carry great reward. Isn’t that simply beautiful? Just for asking, you’re rewarded. Call on Him sincerely. He will respond.

15.Take your repentance seriously. The one who’s truly remorseful is the one who is regretful of his past sins. He has a fear of falling into them again. More importantly, he stays away from bad company and those who are likely to encourage him to sin again.

16.In your journey of life, don’t stress over who stays or who chooses to leave. It’s all part of the Almighty’s Plan. Keep an open mind and an open heart. Intend good for all. You can’t please everyone. That’s life. He will take care of you.

17.Why do we always have to focus on what’s wrong, what’s bad, what’s lacking? For a change, let’s focus on the beauty that exists in the world even during these challenging times. Perhaps that’s why the Almighty keeps testing us to make us reflect on the blessings we have.

18.If you’ve done your best & things still don’t work out, move on. Know that the Almighty has something better for you. You may not be able to see it at this point in time, but that’s when you need firm faith. Better things and better days are ahead. Trust!

19.Almighty. Calm our troubled hearts. Let peace and tranquility reign once again. There’s so much noise and confusion around us that it’s easy to be distracted and lose focus. Many useless things demand our attention. Guide us. Keep us firm in faith; always close to You! Aameen.

20.There are people around you who need what you have. Use whatever the Almighty has bestowed on you to help others as much as you can. It need not be material. Time, energy, words of motivation, a listening ear, a helping hand can go a long way towards brightening someone’s day.

21.Learn to keep your good news to yourself. Thank the Almighty for His Blessings but don’t feel the need to share with all and sundry. Keep the circle small. Not everyone will be happy for you.

22.Why do you feel the need to explain everything to everyone. Don’t. Connect with the One who made you, who knows all about you and understands you best.

23.Embrace your tests. The Almighty sends them to you for a reason. At your lowest, you’ll learn a lot. Use that to spur you to greater heights.

24.Don’t underestimate the little things you do for others. No matter how small the act, it will come back to you eventually. The appreciation and thank you may be delayed for ages but that’s ok because your reward is truly with the Almighty. So do things out of love not obligation.

25.Today we all suffer from TMI. Too much information or information overload. Remember, you are what you feed your mind. Your mental diet is just as important as your food intake. Thoughts are powerful food for your mind. What you believe, you become. So think positive thoughts.


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