life lesson by mufti menk-212


1.Whatever the Almighty has planned for you is for you alone. No one and nothing can stop it from coming to you. Just keep believing. Just keep trusting. It will unfold in due course, according to His timing, not yours. Remember, with Him nothing is impossible.

2.Almighty. Grant ease to those who’ve lost loved ones. Surround them with good company who will offer words of comfort & solace during difficult times. Remove the heaviness from their hearts & let peace reign again. May we be reunited with our loved ones in Paradise. Aameen.

3.When people have to lie about you in order to discredit you, thank the Almighty that He has elevated you and granted you great success. People do that out of jealousy, hatred, ignorance or simply to gain views and likes. Smile and keep moving.

4.Don’t take your blessings for granted. The Almighty will see to that. Always be grateful, no matter how small the blessing. He never sends a calamity except that ease follows. Keep connecting with Him; you’ll see how much ease and inner peace you get in your life.

5.You will feel frustrated at times. You will feel like everything is crumbling right before your eyes. You will feel that you can’t handle things on your own. You’re not supposed to. The Almighty loves it when you ask Him. Ask with conviction. He will lift your load.

6.Don’t let Satan make you doubt. He’s good at that. Doubt creates uncertainties in your heart & mind. It makes you feel uneasy & directionless. You need to anchor your faith firmly & take control of your life. The Almighty is always there to steady you & get you back on track.

7.Sitting around, wasting time gossiping and judging others is not unfamiliar to many. They forget that such acts are a sin. Use the time wisely to improve yourself. Remember, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. So don’t waste your short life. Start rearranging your priorities.

8.Time is one of the greatest blessings from the Almighty. Respect it and spend it wisely because once gone, you won’t get it back. Some don’t respect your time, because they are trying to satisfy their own priorities so when people don’t respect your time, stop giving it to them.

9.Gratitude is key. Never fail to appreciate what the Almighty has blessed you with. Use the blessings in His cause and He will grant you more. Do your best in your worldly affairs and the Hereafter. When He sees you doing your part, He will open doors that no man can shut.

10.Let’s face it. There are things in life we wished we had done differently. It’s bound to happen. We’re human. As soon as you realize you've made a poor decision, it's not too late to correct it. You're not stuck in any situation as long as you refuse to accept that you are.

11.Gratitude is key. Never fail to appreciate what the Almighty has blessed you with. Use the blessings in His cause and He will grant you more. Do your best in your worldly affairs and the Hereafter. When He sees you doing your part, He will open doors that no man can shut.

12.May the Almighty fill our hearts with compassion in this beautiful Shawwal. Spread the joy of #Eid to all around you and don’t forget to reach out to those in need. ‬Eid Mubarak to all of you. Have a beautiful time with your loved ones.

13.Keep going even when you find it difficult to worship the Almighty. ‬Keep going when you find your tongue unable to utter much. Keep going when you feel it’s a bad day & you want to give up. Keep going when you feel your patience running out. Keep going because He knows your struggle.

14.Don’t mock or look down on someone who’s trying to change for the better. Not everyone is on the same level of piety. Their baby steps might be so beloved by the Almighty that it could be their ticket to Paradise. It’s best to focus on ourselves and not what others are doing.

15.Make the Almighty your priority when you wake each morning. The phone can wait. Social media can wait. Before you check in with the rest of the world, spend some precious time with Him. He’s the source of strength. Start the day with Him & it will be filled with untold blessing.


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