life lesson by mufti menk-213


1.Are you guilty of deriving pleasure from the misfortune of others? Something bad happens to someone else and you’re secretly happy. Be careful. It shows a poisonous heart which willl get worse if you don’t check it. Empathize, be kind and show compassion instead.

2.Be wary of the internet. Don't let it turn you into a cynical person. It can crush your optimism and give you low self-esteem. Whatever you do, don’t let it define your worth. Rise above it and resist the temptation to compare what’s going on with someone else’s life.

3.Don't let Ramadan pass by without seeking & being granted Forgiveness. Don't let ignorance & negligence overtake you. Seek Forgiveness and get closer to the Almighty. Do it in these last days.

4.Almighty. We thank You for giving us this blessed month. With barely a week left help us make the most of the remaining time to get closer to You. You have granted immense blessings & shown us how patience is key to our trials. Protect us, grant us ease & forgiveness. Aameen.

5.Raise the bar of your worship in these last ten days. The most blessed night of all nights is tucked away in there. No one is promised the next Ramadan. So give this your all & be consistent during this period. This beats picking a few nights of the ten & risk losing it.

6.If you want to feel the sweetness of worship, cleanse your heart. A diseased heart won’t be at ease. Make a conscious effort to get rid of pride, hatred, envy & anything that gets in the way of being fully focused on the Almighty. It won’t happen overnight but you’ll get there.

7.The last nights of #Ramadan are the most significant. Now is the time to ask the Almighty for all your needs, anything and everything. Nothing is too big or too small for the Lord of the Worlds. The Almighty never tires.

8.Don't do anything to compromise the sanctity of these last nights in #Ramadan. Don't argue, swear, backbite or gossip. Focus solely on the Almighty. Do more good deeds, give generously and make an intent that every little bit you do is for Him and Him alone.

9.Being quiet and gentle doesn’t mean you’re weak. Such people show strength that’s under control. It’s knowing when to speak and when to listen; when to take action and when to wait. Don’t underestimate such people. They walk with the greatest strength.

10.Be careful when you’ve hurt someone deliberately. If you’re guilty, apologise as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate. May the Almighty protect us from being the source of pain and tears in someone else's life. May He forgive our sins and shortcoming.

11.You don’t need people’s approval to be happy. If they have issues with you, it’s not about you, it’s about their insecurities. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Let it go or you’ll end up frustrated. Get your approval only from the Almighty.

12.It’s important to keep an inner sense of calm. When dark stormy clouds of doubt, anger & worry start creeping in, always remind yourself that nothing lasts. Every storm shall pass. The Almighty is testing you and will continue to do so until you lay your trust in Him.

13.If there are people in your life who treat you poorly and make you feel like you are less than enough, or that you need to prove your worth in some way, keep your distance from them. Spend time instead with those who lift you up. Keep your heart attached to your Maker.

14.How to stay positive in a world that’s quite bleak out there? Let’s admit it. It can be rather difficult at times. But the bottom line is: you should always thank the Almighty for what you have and trust Him for all your needs. Never doubt what He can do.

15.You can’t have a haphazard journey and expect to emerge top. Though you may not like what you are going through right now, your struggle is preparing you for your next level. Embrace the trials that come your way. Trust the Almighty to be your Guide & Protector.


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