life lesson by mufti menk-214


1.Let us make this blessed #DayofArafah, a day of renewal of faith in our hearts and actions. Make it a day of repentance and a day to get closer to the Almighty. May He accept it from us. Aameen.

2.Don't miss out on the most blessed day of Hajj, Arafah. Fast to expiate sins of the past year and the year to come. Supplicate sincerely. Do everything for the sake of the Almighty. He has promised great rewards.‬

3.When you want to give advice, do so in such a way that people would want to listen to you. Don’t be mean and hurtful. Don’t use harsh words. Don’t put people down. Be genuine and nurturing in wanting to correct them, mend their ways and help them get back on track. ‬

4.There are people who won’t hesitate to provoke you, trying their best to bring out the worst in you. When they’ve achieved that, they’ll play the victim and make you feel bad. Be mindful of such people. They really need help. Try your best to remain calm. Keep your composure.

5.You have the chance to start anew every day when the Almighty returns your soul to you after sleep. It’s up to you to decide today how you want to live your life; in His pleasure or displeasure. You have a duty to fulfil. Make it a good one.

6.Look back on your life & think; did the Almighty not bring you through some tough times? Those difficult days you never thought you would emerge from and see the light? Not only did He get you through them, He also taught you how to do better the next time; so stop worrying.

7.On this blessed day, may we have the strength to give up something for the sake of the Almighty. In return, we can expect something good. Our faith in Him will be strengthened. May we achieve the benefits of these ten days & may He accept the sincere efforts of those making Hajj.‬

8.Stop complaining, making excuses & blaming others for what’s going on in your life. It’s easy to look for scapegoats. But a mature person realizes that whatever happens is mostly a result of previous choices made. For change to occur, you need to make new choices.

9.Don’t waste the most blessed days. Ten days will go quickly so be sure to fill them with as much good as possible. The Almighty gives us these periods of spiritual boosts throughout the year. So purify your intent, make a plan and you’re on the way to accomplish much.

10.Never tire of doing good, even small acts. We often hear people say that no one notices any of the good they do. But the Almighty does. He’s All-Knowing. So press on & do as much as you can, knowing the ten best days are upon us. Good deeds are magnified & the rewards multiplied.

11.Life’s journey is especially tough when we’re going through the unfamiliar or unknown because we don't know what to expect. But when you walk in firm faith, you no longer worry about what will happen down the road. Your heart trusts the Almighty. You know He is the best of planners.

12.Don’t let other people bring out the worst in you. You’re bound to meet them. These individuals may provoke you to say things you regret or pressure you to do things you wouldn't normally do. Stay true to your values and refuse to let others have a negative influence over you.

13.Whatever the Almighty has decreed for you, no one can stop. If you’re doing your best to stay on His Path, whatever’s meant for you will be yours. There is no need to chase it. It will come to you.

14.Trust people by all means but don’t go overboard. Remember, there’s no guarantee in life; even the closest people around you may go against you. But as long as you trust the Almighty, He will never let you down. Have patience and you’ll reap the reward.

15.Be wary of oppressing others especially when you’re in a position of power. The Almighty is All-Knowing, All-Seeing. You may think you’re getting away with it but wait. Be it in this world or the next or perhaps both, a befitting recompense awaits. You’ll never get away scot-free.


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