life lesson by mufti menk-217


1.What goes on around you is not something you can control. But what goes on inside you is something you can control. In fact, you have to control it or it will ruin your peace. You need to be centered, focused and single-minded so you can weather any storm that comes your way.

2.Be grateful not just occasionally but daily. Don’t take anything for granted because as much as He gives, He can also take away. Thank Him for all that you have. Don’t compare your life to others. They may look ‘“perfect” on social media but they all have problems in real life.

3.When you ask the Almighty for something, ask with confidence. Ask with positivity. He always hears and knows what is best for you. If what He gave you seemed like a NO to your request, understand that He has something better in store. Embrace what you have and look ahead.

4.When someone is hurtful or racist towards you, don’t reciprocate. It doesn’t give you the green light to behave the same towards them. Don’t let the ugliness of someone else’s character change who you are. Remember that ugliness is a reflection of their character. Not yours. ‬

5.Remember that words like impossible, unheard of, unthinkable, unknown, unseen, and unexpected don’t mean anything to the Almighty. He can make everything happen at the drop of a hat. Your task is to do your best and trust Him completely with your life. You will be unstoppable.

6.Don’t worry about those who keep bringing up your past. Life isn't about who you once were. It's about who you have the potential to be. Everyone has a past so don’t let such talk deter you from looking ahead with positivity. Purify your intentions. Seek your strength from the Almighty.

7.Being pious doesn’t give you the right to be harsh to those around you. If at all, you should be gentler, kinder & always willing to extend a helping hand. Be strict with yourself by all means but when it comes to others, a softer approach will often achieve much more.

8.Almighty. Grant us the strength & clarity of mind to walk the path You have laid out for us. We do get overwhelmed. We stumble. We are worried constantly. We know that You’ve worked out every detail of our lives. Keep us firm in faith with the courage to fight off all doubts.

9.Focus your attention on yourself & look not for fault in others. Focus on how to be better than you used to be & not better than others. Every time you focus your attention outward, every time you choose to compare yourself with others, you will lose sight of who you really are. ‬

10.There will be times when things happen and you can’t comprehend them. That’s okay. The Almighty works in amazing ways which our minds cannot fathom at times. Don’t try to understand everything. You’ll end up frustrated. You just have to trust Him. That’s where faith comes in.


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