life lesson by mufti menk-226


1.What you are experiencing right now cannot defeat you unless you allow it. Have a positive mindset. Rise above life’s challenges, knowing they won’t last. Learn as much as you can. Remember, the Almighty has helped you through many trials. He will continue to do so. Trust Him.

2.Almighty. Grant us the wisdom to do what’s right. When we’re stuck in our own foolishness, show us the way out. When facing loss & grief, comfort us. When our heart is broken, hurt & wounded, show us healing. When confused & overwhelmed, guide us. We lay our trust in You.

3.Trust the Almighty unconditionally. Remember, He made you. He knows everything about you. Don’t try to figure out everything on your own. You won’t be able to anyway. Pour your heart out to Him. Make Him your priority and He will keep you on track.‬

4.All the prayers you’ve been making, trust the Almighty will answer them‬ because He has got it under control. He is going to ensure that things fall into place. He is going to make things happen that you could never have done on your own. Have firm faith.

5.Don’t let your grief consume you to such an extent that you forget who’s in control. Try to step away from your broken state, even if just for a moment. You’ll see things clearer; realise that you own nothing at all. Everything’s on loan from the Almighty. This world’s temporary.

6.The past is over. Today is a new day; you are not the same person you were before. Believe that today will be better than yesterday. It’s about looking up with hope and looking forward. Look for new opportunities that the Almighty has planned for you.

7.Hiding pain under a smile is not easy. It can be one of the hardest things to do. You do it when you care about others more than you do for yourself. But remember, a smile can hide so much.. fear, pain, sadness, tears. But they reflect one main thing. Strength.

8.Almighty. Keep us humble, no matter what they say about us. Help us to be guided by what You’ve taught us & not by our emotions when dealing with difficult people. May we always be steered to make the right choice in such situations. Aameen.

9.If you're not generous with what you have now, you likely won't be generous if you have more in future. So give, no matter how little.

10.You don’t have to wait for a new day to have a new start with the Almighty. Any time you need a new beginning, simply call on Him, honestly and sincerely. His door is always open. His Mercy is endless.

11.💡 Waqf are Islamic endowments that allow your donations to grow over time. They are a true Sadaqah Jariyah and mean your donations can help the causes you care about, even after you depart this world

12.Do you have friends who want to see you succeed? The ones who will clap for you when no one else will. The ones who motivate and encourage you to be a better version of yourself. The ones who are happy for you; not the ones who are jealous and plotting against you.

13.Never forget that social media is a tool. We decide how the tool is used. Use it to spread goodness & positivity; the ripple effects can be tremendous. Avoid bad words, no matter what they say about you.

14.Almighty. Protect us from becoming anxious and overwhelmed by all the noise and chaos around us. Help us to stay calm amidst the mounting worries of life. Grant us ease and the ability to refocus on what truly matters. Aameen.

15.Don’t form your own conclusion based on what you see. That’s the easy way. Resist that temptation. Why? Because you will never know the true situation if you’ve not walked in someone’s shoes. Remember, the ignorant sees only with his eyes. Learn to see with your heart and mind.


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