life lesson by mufti menk-227


1.If you haven't yet received hate on social media, including from those you least expect, then you haven't truly made your mark... yet.

2.Never think that all the prayers you’ve been making are wasted. Nothing ever goes to waste with the Almighty. He’s got everything under control. The dreams you’ve been wanting so badly will come when He knows you’re ready for it. He can give you better than you had prayed for.

3.Just as the Almighty opens doors nobody can shut for you, He also shuts doors that nobody can open. So at times, no matter how hard you try or how badly you want something, it just won’t happen. Understand this.

4.Be careful of arrogance. It can come in many forms. There are arrogant people who feel they’re all powerful. They attribute all their achievements and success to their own capabilities & neglect the Almighty in the whole equation. Darkness and disbelief cover their hearts.

5.Not everyday will be smooth sailing. There will be bumpy rides and life can get uncomfortable. Although you can’t see what's ahead of you, know that the Almighty is always preparing you for what’s to come. Trust the process.

6.Almighty. Heal our broken hearts caused by the hurt people have done against us. Help us get rid of all the anger & bitterness we may have developed in our hearts against anyone who has hurt us deeply. Give us the ability to forgive them as You have shown us mercy always.

7.Do you sometimes feel that it seems easier to stay where you are than to make the needed change. Fear will make you feel this way. Your detractors hope you stay this way. But staying put gets you nowhere. Take that leap of faith. Start what you need to do. The Almighty has your back.

8.Leave a trail of goodness wherever you go. Inspire people. Give them hope. Motivate and encourage. Help them believe that better days are ahead. The storm shall pass. Never underestimate the power of positivity. Keep spreading good vibes and continue to make a difference.

9.You’ll outgrow a lot of people once you start doing what’s best for you. Stop worrying about how others will feel or whether they’ll accept it. This life’s too short for that. Be concerned about how things will be before the Almighty on Judgement Day. That’s your goal.

10.What they say is important but watch what they do because that’s more important. At the end of the day, see how they treat you. Because talk is easy when words spoken have little value. It’s easier to talk about something than to actually do it.

11.We emphasize so much on external beauty that we often neglect our internal self. Remember, the Almighty looks at the state of our hearts. He doesn’t look at our figure nor the body. So before hearts become diseased, ugly and unhealthy, let us strive to purify them.

12.You can be the most successful person around but if you have no humility, you won’t go far. There are many out there who strut around behaving like they own the world. It's a shame that those with less to boast about do it the most. Such is the sad state of society today.

13.Technology is causing a huge family divide because we just can’t put down our phones. Parents & children spend hours on mobile devices hence cutting down the time for face to face interaction. Make an effort to reduce the use of your devices & start building healthy relationship.

14.The Almighty will never fail you. He’ll restore everything you lost. During your life, you will, perhaps, lose your job, things & people. Trust His Plan. It may not be apparent now, but will be clearly revealed in due course. Whoever & whatever’s meant to be there will stay.

15.Almighty. Protect us from those who are trying to harm us & have bad intentions towards us. Purify our hearts & fill it with love & goodness. You are indeed our refuge & strength. Surround us with those who will empower us. May You always be our Guide. Keep watching over us.


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