life lesson by mufti menk-231


1.Burning a sacred book in public proves that they can’t refute any part of it in any way. Even if they tried. If at all there was a single word they could prove wrong, they would have never felt the need to burn it. Why incite others by burning what is sacred to them? By doing so, they’ve already lost the argument!

2.Don’t worry about how people act. That’s on them not you. Always choose kindness, that’s under your control. Spread it far and wide, whichever way you can, even if it means giving a smile or a word of encouragement. Never underestimate how contagious being kind can be.

3.Man is always comparing. We often feel the other person is in a much better state than we are. Instead of accepting & appreciating what we have, we always find a way to look at what others have. Be wary. In trying to achieve something better, one may end up losing what one has.

4.Don’t let the opinion of others steal your confidence or cause you to cut back on whatever good you’re doing. Let them say what they want because you can’t stop people from speaking their minds. Remember at the end of the day, only the Almighty ‘s judgement matters.

5.Stop stressing when others give up on you, walk out on you and turn their backs on you. It’s not the end of the world. The Almighty will see to it that you weather the storms in life, if you bear beautiful patience and trust Him. Don’t hesitate.

6.Before you start finding fault with someone, stop in your tracks and ask yourself: which fault of yours resembles the one you’re about to criticise. In this way, you’re always concerned about your faults and how to improve them, leaving no time to worry about someone else’s.

7.Don’t belittle the one who remains silent. Not only can it be more powerful than words, it also takes a lot of maturity, effort and intelligence to keep quiet when you’re expected to respond in the same way you were spoken to. It’s a powerful tool to learn and master.

8.The most fortunate person isn't he who has worldly wealth but he who is quick to repent, seeks forgiveness often and feels regret for all his sins.

9.When your heart is heavy and you feel you can't get out of bed to face another day, ask the Almighty to lift you. His Strength is all you need. Just ask Him.

10.Almighty. Hide our faults. Purify our souls. Strengthen our faith. Forgive our sins. Accept our good deeds. Above all, shower us with Your Mercy. Aameen.

11.The Almighty gets us to be in the right place at the right time. He puts different people in our lives at different times. All for a purpose. He guides us through life in His Divine Way. Follow His path and trust Him.

12.Think of death often. Don’t let this world & the false sense of security it offers fool you. No one can escape death. When it finally comes, we’ll realize how wrong we had been about this world. So don’t fall for this deception. Prepare for the Hereafter before it’s too late.

13.Don't always be in a hurry. The Almighty might slow you down just to protect you. A delay doesn’t mean denial. There may be evil ahead which you can’t see but He can. You’ll be forever grateful that you didn’t rush headlong into things. Slow down.

14.It's the ending that's important. Not the flaws in the beginning. Strive to improve what's left of your life. Repent sincerely. Turn back to the Almighty. He'll forgive what has passed.

15.When times are tough, that's when your character is developed. That’s when you grow. When you face trials & suffering, your soul is strengthened. So keep going.


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