life lesson by mufti menk-238

1. Sometimes in your lowest moments, when you least expect it, when you feel most helpless, He reveals a treasure. It could come in many forms, a helping hand, a gentle reminder, advice or even a smile. Surely when He takes something away from you, He gives you something greater in its place.

2.Bear patience. Don’t forget this life is a test. You’re wondering why the Almighty has yet to unleash His Might. He didn’t destroy the Pharaoh immediately. He always gives the wrong doers time to set things right. His timing is perfect. But once His Wrath comes, it will be too late.

3.We're witnessing a genocide and mass murder. Nothing can justify such heinous crimes. Have we not learnt from the holocaust, the world wars etc? Where is basic humanity?

4.Don’t think for a second that the oppressors will get away with their oppression. The Almighty has given stern warnings to the wrong doers. It’s a matter of time. Hold on to your prayers, increase your supplications. His help is near.

5.The world is a harsh place. No one notices your tears, your sadness or your pain besides the Almighty. But everyone jumps at the slightest mistake you make. Remember, the Almighty is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.

6.There are some whose mission in life is to criticise, hate & look for negativity in things. They bring absolutely no value to your life. Quit worrying about them. Don’t let them sidetrack you from your real cause. Let the Almighty deal with them. Focus on your path. The straight path.

7.In this day & age it’s hard to tell who’s a true friend & who’s fake. Even the most genuine people can fool you. So you go through life hoping people are sincere & genuine. But be prepared to be let down. It’s part of life. People will hurt you. Only He can heal you.

8.Almighty. Grant us good patience in hard times. Let us learn to be grateful by recognizing that our trials could be much worse. Let us trust Your Plan and have complete reliance on You. Help us to remain close to You during both good and bad times. Aameen. ‬

9.Never feel that the Almighty has abandoned you & you’re alone. He has not. You may be the one crying at night, smiling in the day to hide your pain, feeling lost, confused or frustrated but never doubt that He knows what you’re going through. Always!

10.Nothing happens in the heavens and earth except what the Almighty wills. He has asked us to strive to achieve what is right. With that in mind, we should stand firm upon justice while remaining steadfast and patient. We supplicate for the best outcome always and accept His Decree wholeheartedly.

11.Make good use of the time the Almighty has given you. When your time is up, you won’t even have an extra minute. So do as much good as you can. Help others even when you know they can’t help you back.

12.Don’t curse your struggles. They are your blessings in disguise. Think hard enough and you’ll understand why the Almighty sent them your way.

13.No matter how sincere you are or how clean your intentions may be, you will never be saved from the abuse, accusations and hate of people. Don't let them stop you, change you or hinder your progress.

14.Do good, even what you consider to be insignificant acts. The Almighty sees, hears & knows everything. He will reward you for it. Remember unlike humans, He’s above glitches, errors & system failures. He is perfect but He doesn’t expect perfection from us. Only sincere effort.

15.Quit procrastinating. Stop putting things off. So often in life, we feel like we can delay things & do them much later. But we may never have the same opportunities again. This life is so transient. Here today, gone tomorrow. You’ve seen that happen. So best to do it now.


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