life lesson by mufti menk-242


1.When you’re at your lowest, that’s when you’re most likely to turn to the Almighty to heal you because no one else can. So be thankful when someone hurts you & shakes you to the core. Cry out to the Almighty sincerely & He will heal you.

2.Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re a failure. As long as you’re taking steps to better yourself daily with the help of the Almighty, nothing can stop you from making progress. Keep going, you’ll get there one day.

3.There's no life without trials. There’s no success without patience. So the harder your test, the more hopeful you should be that the Almighty's help is near.

4.Keep repenting often so you don't walk around with a sense of hopelessness and anxiety. Lighten your heart. The Almighty forgives.

5.Disappointment is not a bad thing. When something we dislike happens, we think it’s a mistake. We get upset. We forget that the Almighty is in control. He sees things we don’t. The bigger picture will emerge soon and we will thank Him for His Infinite Wisdom.

6.Almighty. On this blessed day, keep reminding us how short this life is. Eternity’s forever & that Your promises are true. No matter how hard this journey is, we have to trust & carry on. We’re no stranger to trials. We’ve done it before. We’ll do it again with Your help. Aameen.

7.Keep asking Allah Almighty. Keep praying. It may not be the exact thing you had in mind but whatever He gives you will always be the best for you. You may not realise it now but sooner or later, you’ll thank Him profusely for the outcome.

8.You want to know someone’s true nature? See how he reacts when he’s criticised, corrected or given sound advice. The behaviour in such situations will reveal what you need to know. May the Almighty guide us to react in the best possible manner.

9.When you ask the Almighty for something, ask with conviction. Always be certain that He will answer. Know in your heart that He will respond in one way or another. Don’t ask with an attitude of doubt and uncertainty. Have firm belief. Trust Him.

10.You can be the most successful person around but without humility, you won’t go far. There are many out there who strut around behaving like they own the world. It's a shame that those with less to boast about, do it the most. Such is the state of society today.

11.When the Almighty puts you in a position to help someone, do it. Be grateful because He’s answering someone else’s prayer through you.

12.It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to feel drained and tired. It’s ok to not share your problems with people. Just confide in the Almighty. Ask Him to calm your mind, heal your heart and take your worries away.

13.Almighty. Heal the broken heart. The ones who put up a brave front and cannot express their pain. The ones who are tired of being oppressed and tormented. The ones who need a break. Put an end to their sadness and let peace reign in their hearts. Aameen.

14.Keep hope alive. Believe that what lies ahead of you is much better than what you’ve left behind. Think good of the Almighty and you’ll see positive outcomes unravel before your eyes. He will show you things you’ve never imagined possible. He can and He will.

15.Don’t overthink. Don’t let little things bother you to such an extent that you find it hard to carry on. This is why many get irritated so easily. Get hold of yourself before it spirals out of control.


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