life lesson by mufti menk-243


1.The Almighty knows you’re drained. Physically and emotionally. He knows what you’re going through. But you need to keep going. Giving up is never an option. You’re going to make it. Think positive thoughts and He will help you fight and win your battles.

2.There will be times when nothing you do can change the circumstances. Accept it. It’s the Almighty’s way of telling you to rely on Him. Be at ease with His Decree and trust Him.

3.Don’t waste time. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you should be doing today. Life is short. Do as many good deeds as possible before our time is up. Yesterday can never be tomorrow. Don’t listen to Satan. If he can’t make you sin, he will make you waste time.

4.All the wealth you painstakingly amass will remain here. You won’t be able to take one single thing with you. Always remember this. What are you gaining really, and at what price? You’re sacrificing your Hereafter for some glitz and glamour of this world that many call luxury.

5.We often hear people cursing their fate, wondering why it’s always them who have to suffer. Why is the Almighty always testing me? Why is He rewarding those who sin with more wealth? The truth is each one of us is tested differently. He knows what He’s doing. Press on.

6.Cherish your scars. They serve as a constant reminder that you struggled and strove to be who you are today. Not everyone can handle life crisis. Among the most beautiful people are those who‬ have known defeat, ‬suffering, struggle, loss and emerged winners.

7.Cherish your scars. They serve as a constant reminder that you struggled and strove to be who you are today. Not everyone can handle life crisis. Among the most beautiful people are those who‬ have known defeat, ‬suffering, struggle, loss and emerged winners.

8.Almighty. Ease our troubled hearts and grant us peace of mind. The soul feels like a turbulent sea. It’s hard to navigate the choppy waters; we often stumble and worry constantly. Give us the strength and courage to steady ourselves and to stay afloat on the straight path.

9.You will feel frustrated. You will feel like everything is crumbling right before your eyes. You will feel that you can’t handle things on your own. You’re not supposed to. The Almighty loves it when you ask Him. Ask with conviction. He will lift your load.

10.The struggles and pain will end. The tears will stop flowing. The doors you’ve been knocking on will open. Have beautiful patience. Trust the Almighty.

11.Don’t let life get you down. Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. Don’t be discouraged as there are many ungrateful people out there. You just have to figure out who’s worth your efforts & who’s merely using you. Focus your energy on those who matter.

12.People will come and go in your life. That’s how it is. Don’t worry about it. Don’t try to hang on to those who want to leave. The Almighty will put total strangers in your path to get you where you’re supposed to be. Trust Him.

13.Almost everyone you meet is facing challenges and hurting in some way. They may seem fine outwardly but their inner struggles are real. So be kind, don’t judge and ask the Almighty to grant ease and help overcome the pain they’re experiencing. No one needs to go through this alone.

14.Quit worrying. Learn to trust the Almighty in all your affairs, even when you can’t see the full picture. He knows what to give you, when to give you. He knows what you need & when you need it. He knows how to put you at the right place at the right time with the right people.

15.Not everything that is said against you deserves a response. Especially if something is said without much thought or knowing the circumstances. Choosing to remain silent is best sometimes. Do not give value to those who have no value.


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