life lesson by mufti menk-244


1.Almighty. There are many questions in our heads. We hand over everything that we can’t control to You, knowing that You’re the Best of Planners. Ease our worries so that it doesn’t rob us of our peace. Help us to focus on things that truly matter for the best outcome. Aameen.

2.Remember that behind everything that didn’t go according to your plan, there is good that the Almighty wanted for you.

3.If you want to repent but find yourself struggling with conflicting emotions, don't despair. Remember, Satan will do what it takes to steer you away from the Almighty. Understand his tricks. No matter how much you’ve sinned, turn back to Him without delay.

4.Never forget that the simple things in life can also be the most rewarding. Peace of mind, kindness, gratitude etc. Sadly, not everyone can see that. Only the wise will appreciate them.

5.Never forget that the simple things in life can also be the most rewarding. Peace of mind, kindness, gratitude etc. Sadly, not everyone can see that. Only the wise will appreciate them.

6.Never forget that the simple things in life can also be the most rewarding. Peace of mind, kindness, gratitude etc. Sadly, not everyone can see that. Only the wise will appreciate them.

7.Plug in with the Almighty wholeheartedly. Do it consciously. Don’t let worldly affairs get in the way. Cut off all distractions. Stay away from those who try to lead you astray. Those who waste your time. Life’s too short for futile activities.

8.Do you get upset when your friends succeed? If you do, then you have a problem. You’re not fully focused on your own journey. You’re also letting ego get in the way. Don’t worry what others are doing. Learn to mind your own business.

9.Don’t count your problems. Count your blessings. Do it often enough & you’ll emerge the winner. The Almighty will grant you strength in times of need, peace in chaos, joy in sadness and hope in hopelessness. The Lord of the Worlds won’t disappoint.

10.Life is hard. We all struggle. Some more than others. There’s nothing wrong in admitting that we do. It makes us human. Life is not a bed of roses. You’ll feel happy and sad. Hurt and joy. Whatever you do, be real and keep friends who are real too.

11.Keep asking the Almighty. Keep supplicating. Don’t ever take this lightly. The power of supplication is immense. It changes lives. Ask Him wholeheartedly.

12.Almighty. Forgive us. Guide us. Cleanse our tongues. Beautify our speech. Purify our hearts and rid them of all things hateful to You. Ease our affairs and help us prepare for the blessed month of Ramadan. Aameen

13.There’s so much we can’t control. That’s the main reason why we are anxious. Instead of worrying, learn to focus on the things that we can control. Then put our trust in the Almighty to take care of things. Feel the weight lifted from our shoulders.

14.If you’re going through some difficult times all by yourself, don’t despair. The Almighty has designed it that way to allow you to embrace your solitude. There is much to learn and grow from it. Keep going. Don’t give up. He’s watching over you as He always does. Have faith.

15.No matter how miserable you feel, remember that healing is possible. It may not happen overnight, but with time and the Almighty on your side, you'll find the strength to embrace life to the fullest. Keep faith, you're not alone in this journey.


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