life lesson by mufti menk-246


1.Control your tongue. Watch your words before they leave your mouth. Once uttered, it would be hard to retract them. Remember, some wounds even apologies won’t heal.

2.Satan always wants you to worry. He makes you worry about what’s to come so you won’t be at ease now. He makes you doubt the Almighty’s Mercy. He makes you feel hopeless. Stop listening to him. Focus on your Lord and His plans for you.

3.If you live your life making decisions based on what others will think of you, it’s time for a rethink. Where does the Almighty figure in your equation? Get your priorities right.

4.Learn from your past and aim to not make the same mistakes again. A new chapter awaits you each day when you wake. Aim to be a better person today than you were yesterday. Don’t overlook even small acts of goodness. They do make a difference.

5.Almighty. Forgive us for the times we were quick to become discouraged or depressed; thinking there was no way out when facing a problem. We forget how You’ve never let us down. No matter what comes our way, we’ll put our trust in You. You’re All Able and Capable.

6.No matter what life sends our way, keep going. We will falter. We will make mistakes. We will feel weak, sad, on the verge of giving up etc. It’s okay to feel all that and more. We’re human. Giving up is never an option. The Almighty will never test us beyond what we can bear.

7.Be wary of toxic people. They wouldn’t bat an eyelid about burning bridges; then turning around and asking why you don’t visit??

8.Don't give false hopes and make empty promises, knowing you won't keep them. That is wrong. Remember, you’ll be remembered for what you do; not what you say you'll do.

9.Life can be hard to understand at times. No matter how good you are to them, don’t expect them to treat you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the ones you can trust the least.

10.Be truthful. No matter what state you're in, never tell a lie. Hold fast to the truth. Ask the Almighty to purify your tongue from falsehood. You'll be surprised how your life changes.

11.Don’t let this world & the false sense of security it offers fool you. Think of death often. No one can escape it. When it finally comes, we’ll realize how wrong we had been about this world. So don’t fall for this deception. Prepare for the Hereafter before it’s too late.


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