life lesson by mufti menk-248

 1.Almighty. Help us keep our faith alive by remembering You often. Help us focus on the good You have bestowed on us and help us to be ever grateful always. Thank You for everything! Aameen..

2.You might think the battle is too big for you. You’re overwhelmed by the cares & stresses of life but remember, it’s nothing to the Lord of the Worlds. Nothing is impossible for Him. Trust Him & see how things unfold. He will take care of all that we cannot. Have faith.

3.The choices you make are yours. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone. But a lot of us feel this need to explain ourselves. Perhaps we want to be liked by everyone. Or to fit in with them. Whatever it is, stick to your decisions. If you think you’re wrong, correct them.

4.When someone shows their true colours, believe them. It’s disappointing and hurtful but thank the Almighty for showing you the signs. Nothing happens without His Will. Imagine going through life not knowing the truth.

5.Think well of others and see what it does to your heart. Each time you hear something bad about others, don’t spread it, give them the benefit of the doubt. Put yourself in their position. Protect yourself from worrisome thoughts that disturb your mind. Keep the peace.

6.You’ll be hurt, you’ll be in pain. Your heart will be broken. You’ll fall. That’s part of life. But as long as you get hold of yourself and get back up again, you’ll be fine. Don’t waste time. Don’t dwell too long on your mistakes. Learn from them and keep going. Life goes on.

7.Almighty. Thank You for giving us an intense month of worship. Thank You for being there when we felt lost. Thank You for shining Your light when we felt afraid of the dark & for carrying us through when we thought we couldn't make it. Aameen.

8.Whenever you see an opportunity to do good, do it. Amidst all the problems the world faces today, sometimes it’s that one noble act that reminds us there's still some good around us. Go on. Do it.

9.Whenever you see an opportunity to do good, do it. Amidst all the problems the world faces today, sometimes it’s that one noble act that reminds us there's still some good around us. Go on. Do it.

10.Make the Almighty your priority when you wake each morning. The phone can wait. Social media can wait. Before you check in with the rest of the world, spend some precious time with Him. He’s the source of strength. Start the day with Him & it will be filled with untold blessing.

11.Don’t mock or look down on someone who’s trying to change for the better. Not everyone is on the same level of piety. Their baby steps might be so beloved by the Almighty that it could be their ticket to Paradise. It’s best to focus on ourselves and not what others are doing.

12.Don’t underestimate the power of prayer. Don’t ask the Almighty for help only as a last resort. He does expect us to make an effort to solve our problems, but He also wants us to call out to Him. He’s always there for us. He loves those who reach out constantly. So keep calling out to Him and don't give up!

13.It’s natural to feel broken if you’ve been treated badly or been the subject of rumours etc. ‬‪But remember, some things are not within your control. Turn every anxiety, fear and concern into a supplication. Look at it as another reason to submit to the Almighty. Let Him take over.

14.Almighty. On this last Friday in Ramadan, guide us towards goodness beyond this month for Your sake only. Keep us steadfast, enduring the trials You send our way. Grant us a soft heart, always content with Your Decree. Grant us sincerity, success & protect us from harm. Aameen

15.Life is often challenging. Trial after trial. I don't have all of the answers, but I know that You do. Almighty, I have full faith in You and know that You always have my back. You’re my Provider, Cherisher, Sustainer, Protector and everything I need! Keep me firm in faith.


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