life lesson by mufti menk-249


1.Mend relationships & ties of kinship. Reach out to those you’ve wronged. Be magnanimous & extend it to those who’ve wronged you as well. You’ll be at peace. The burden will lighten & you can heave a sigh of relief. Trust the Almighty to send countless blessings into your life.

2.Stress can affect more than just your physical health. Mentally, it causes you to crumble. You lose hope, faith, trust & peace. Inner peace can only be achieved by remembering the Almighty frequently; asking for His help & forgiveness; not just in times of difficulty.

3.The last nights of Ramadan are the most significant. Now is the time to ask Allah Almighty for all your needs, anything and everything. Nothing is too big or too small for the Lord of the Worlds. The Almighty never tires. Just ask.

4.Almighty. Give us the strength to face the most blessed nights of Ramadan. We ask You to accept all our prayers, fasts, charity & good deeds, done solely for Your Sake. May we end this blessed month on a high note.

5.Almighty. Give us the strength to face the most blessed nights of Ramadan. We ask You to accept all our prayers, fasts, charity & good deeds, done solely for Your Sake. May we end this blessed month on a high note.

6. Pray for the Palestinians at every suhoor and every iftaar for those are indeed very blessed times where supplications are heard and accepted. Don't ever underestimate the power of Du'aa or supplication. Pray for all those suffering across the globe. May Allah Almighty be with them. Aameen

7.One of the keys to overcoming our discontentment and lack of faith is to get to know the Almighty better and get closer to Him. Has He not provided for you even when you never asked? Think about it. That should grow your confidence and trust in Him.

8.What you say can and will be held for you or against you, perhaps not now but certainly in the Court of the Almighty. So choose your words wisely before speaking. Once said, there’s no turning back. That’s why you’re better off staying quiet if you don’t have anything acceptable to say.

9.If it’s meant for you, you’ll get. No matter how long the wait. The Almighty will see to it. So always ask with conviction and a pure heart. Leave the timing to Him. Don’t rush Him. Don’t give Him ultimatums. Our job is to live a life that’s pleasing to Him.‬

10.Take stock of how you’re progressing as we reach the halfway mark in Ramadan. It’s never too late. The most crucial thing is to finish strong as we enter the last ten nights. Keep going. The Almighty knows & sees all your efforts, no matter how small. He will reward you. ‬

11.Stop revisiting your past. It’s over. Let it go. The Almighty has paved a way for you to move on.,Don’t be so engrossed with what was & what has been that you forget to acknowledge His Blessing for what is & what’s to come. Read the signs and make that change to your life.

12.Why can’t we be happy when others do well? Be prepared for haters to come out in full force when you share your success story especially on social media. They might ridicule you, spread rumours about you or even spew harsh words. Don’t worry. Focus on what’s right & keep going.

13.Almighty. Protect the good deeds we’ve done so far. May we not be among those who pray, fast & give charity but curse, swear, gossip & backbite without batting an eyelid. Keep us mindful of such behaviour. Aameen.

14.Never think that the Almighty has forgotten about you. He’s All Knowing. He has seen the tears, the heartache and pain. None of it will be wasted. He will pave a way out for you and you’ll be stronger than before. Be patient.

15.Remember, Ramadan is a month where hearts are softened, a month of rewards and a month where good deeds are multiplied. It’s also a month of remorse and regret. Seek the Almighty in this month of Mercy. ‬

16.If you don’t nurture your faith, it will slowly weaken & leave you grappling with doubt. What better time to do it than in #Ramadan   . Protect yourself before your heart hardens.

17.Read the signs when the Almighty’s telling you to move on. It’s not in our capacity to fully comprehend all that’s going on. Only He does. Our job is to trust Him. But know that He will heal the pain & mend the broken heart.

18.Almighty. Make us among those who fast sincerely for Your sake. May You accept our worship and nights in prayer which we do in full submission. Keep us away from heedlessness and forgive all our sins. Aameen. ‬

19.There’ll be sad days and happy days. Don’t despair. When life gets hard, remember nothing lasts. You’ve had good days before, you will have them again. Keep going.


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