life lesson by mufti menk-254


1.Don’t feel miserable and depressed when people misunderstand and reject you. It’s part of the Almighty’s plan to make you realize that you shouldn’t rely on His Creation but only on the One who created you.

2.Almighty. Grant us the strength and patience to face the challenges sent our way. You are our only hope. Without You, we have no one and nothing. Guide us every step of the way. We know You have our backs. Grant us success. Aameen.

3.You can’t change the past but you can build on it. Do not obsess over "if only". It’s the trick of Satan. Just focus on "what’s next". We don’t know what lies ahead but the Almighty does. Be optimistic and trust His plans.

4.What the heart sees, the mind preserves. Be careful. That’s why it’s important to lower the gaze. Letting the gaze go astray makes the heart blind; it can’t tell between truth & falsehood. It also cloaks the heart with darkness while lowering the gaze clothes it in light.

5.You didn’t get what you’ve been asking for and you think the Almighty is upset with you. Never think that way of the Almighty because He knows what you don’t. He could be saving you from a calamity. Unanswered prayers can be your greatest blessings. Have faith, trust Him always.

6.Let’s face it. You are not going to wake up every morning feeling like you can conquer the world. That’s ok. But don’t quit. Those “low” days are crucial in your development. The Almighty will see you through. Place your firm belief and trust in Him. Your load will lighten.

7.The Almighty puts different people in our lives for different reasons. No one is there by accident. Learn to identify the people He has placed in your life and be sensitive to the purpose they serve. Some won’t stay long. There is a time, place and purpose for everything.‬

8.Almighty. Help us to protect our good deeds. May we not be among those who pray, fast and give charity but curse, swear, gossip and backbite without batting an eyelid. Help us stay away from such behaviour.‬ Aameen.

9.Having been through divorce doesn’t make you a bad person. Some of the most amazing people have been through divorce. The Almighty has given us a way out of a toxic marriage. Don't bad mouth your ex. Bear patience, ignore bad comments and trust your Lord. You’ll be happy again.

10.Don’t underestimate the power of prayer. Don’t ask the Almighty for help only as the last resort. He wants us to make an effort to solve our problems but He doesn’t want us to do it alone. He’s always there for us. Call out to Him.

11.Check yourself each time you start thinking about your past and feeling depressed. Check yourself each time you think of the future and feel anxious. Keep the peace in your heart. Live in the present. Thank the Almighty upon all conditions.

12.Some people will keep revisiting your past. Let them. You live your life with integrity and humility. Let your life speak for itself. The Almighty knows what’s going on and that’s good enough.

13.No need to be insulting or offensive. Respect people. Silence is often the best response to controversial situations. Let them argue, let them disagree. Stand your ground firmly. When you stay silent and ignore, they will understand that they were unable to disturb your peace.

14.Don’t look at your trials and think no one else has it as bad as you. Instead, learn to rise to the challenge and pass each test with gratitude and humility, knowing the Almighty placed them in your life for a reason.

15.Almighty. Guide us to seek Your help in every area of our lives. Help us to live one day at a time to the best of our ability. Help us to not worry about tomorrow but instead focus on what You’re doing in our lives now. Help us to put our trust in You and to worry less.


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