life lesson by mufti menk-255

 1.Almighty, as the Hajj begins, we ask You to safeguard the health and well-being of all pilgrims. Protect them from any sickness and grant them a safe and fulfilling pilgrimage. Protect the pilgrims from extreme weather and danger and keep them under Your Divine care. Aameen.

2.Why do you worry what others are saying about you behind your back? If the Almighty is for you and He helps you, no one can defeat you. Go forth and do what you do best.

3.Learn to listen more and speak less. Learn to observe more and react less. You’ll be able to pick up a lot more than if you were busy speaking and reacting. And trust me, it would save you from a whole lot of trouble.

4.Stop worrying. Stop overthinking. Stop being pessimistic. If you trust the Almighty as you say you do, then put in your best effort and leave the rest to Him. He will work it out for you according to His timing. Not yours.

5.Never tire of doing good, even small acts. We often hear people say that no one notices any of the good they do. But the Almighty does. He’s All-Knowing. So press on & do as much as you can. Good deeds are magnified & the rewards multiplied

6.Don’t waste the most blessed days. Ten days will go quickly so be sure to fill them with as much good as possible. The Almighty gives us these periods of spiritual boosts throughout the year. Purify your intent, make a plan and you’re on the way to accomplish much.

7.Don’t fall into this trap. Don’t dwell on how privileged you are. It’s how you end the journey that matters. Strive to live a life that endears you to your Creator. Everything else is secondary. Keep asking for a good end. May He take us when He’s most pleased with us. Ameen

8.Learn to like your own company. Don’t be afraid to sit alone. Reflect. Talk to the Almighty. Tell Him your woes, your fears and what you’re facing. He will steer you in the right direction.

9.Teach your heart to accept disappointments. Every delay, every roadblock is a blessing. He plans and you plan. Remember, He is the Best Planner.

10.Almighty. Grant us Your Mercy and allow us to grasp the immense significance of these ten blessed days. We ask You to accept our deeds done solely for You and to forgive our shortcomings. Aameen.

11.Not all feelings can be explained. Sometimes words fail you. Don’t worry. The Almighty is the only One who knows your real situation. Speak to Him. Confide in Him. Ask Him to guide you.

12.Nothing good comes easy. Persevere. Strive to do your best. You’ll get there.

13.If you want to be happy, have low to zero expectations. Only depend on the Almighty, your Creator.

14.Almighty. We ask for Your healing over every part of our lives; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We ask that You make us strong and resilient to face the days ahead. Grant us Your favour. We lay our hope in You. Be our strength and refuge in times of distress.

15.Have you ever been so bogged down by your problems that you think you’re the only one facing them. Remember, there’s a reason why things happen the way they do. The Almighty has a plan for everything that you experience. Sooner or later, you’ll see the light of day & thank Him.

16.There’s no place for arrogance in this world. Remember, your final destination here is your grave.

17.Don’t be easily impressed by social status, job titles and the likes. Many have these but it has never got them far in life. Why? Because they lack basic human decency. Remember, how you treat people speaks volumes about you. The Almighty’s watching.


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